Jack DeJohnette/Ravi Coltrane/Matthew Garrison: In Movement review

In Movement
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Artist: Jack DeJohnette
Genre: Jazz
Label: ECM

It’s half a century since Jack DeJohnette briefly shared a stage with John Coltrane and Jimmy Garrison.

In the intervening years, the great Chicago-born drummer has become perhaps the most influential percussionist of his generation, contributing his propulsive grooves to just about every important leader in American jazz, and clocking up more recording time with the ECM label than any other artist.

But while his new trio with the sons of Coltrane and Garrison draws on that deep well of experience and memory, there is a freshness in the trio’s interplay that is very much of the present.

And if Ravi Coltrane occasionally sounds influenced by his father, that just puts him in the same category as every other saxophonist.



Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director