Daniel Knox: Chasescene review – Cinematic soundscapes to get lost in

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Artist: Daniel Knox
Genre: Pop
Label: HP Johnson Presents

Exaggerated versions of reality scripted for film and theatre simultaneously present alternative visions of how life could be while providing blissful escape from responsibility. On Chasescene, Chicago-based songwriter Daniel Knox masterfully creates opulent filmic compositions to get lost in.

He’s previously cited David Lynch, Charlie Chaplin, and Judy Garland among his influences. The impact of this unlikely trinity is traceable in dark lyrical themes and jaunty rhythms which, invariably, embody various characters created by the aforementioned legends.

Combining tender piano melodies, mournful strings, and subtle percussion, Knox deftly captures Chicago over 12 tracks. As Blind Deaf and Dumb culminates with shrilling strings, the listener can almost feel the city's cutting frosty winds.

Elsewhere, forlorn tones pervade Man Is An Animal and Me And My Wife. The wistful cameo of pedal steel on Leftovers heightens Knox's dejection as he sings, "I look sad from where you're sitting." It's an immediate highlight of the 43 minutes.


Fans of Rufus Wainwright’s sumptuous orchestration and John Grant’s tenor will surely appreciate Daniel Knox. Chasescene is an excellent entry-level record to encourage further discovery.