Michael West has been making fascinatingly rough and tough music for many years, and his Congo Natty guise sits alongside spells with Double Trouble and releases as Rebel MC and Conquering Lion. Regardless of the moniker he uses, the ferocity and focus of his sound never wavers. Jungle Revolution is a thrilling fusillade of headstrong breakbeats, warped basslines and some mighty vocal chants. West has a gaggle of helpers (old-school soldiers such as Adrian Sherwood, Skip McDonald and Daddy Freddy as well as regular collaborator Nancy Correia), but it's his focus that keeps the album's blend of classic jungle breaks and Rasta-conscious preaching on track. Between the magnetic swing of Get Ready (built on a foundation of The Jamaicans' Ba Ba Boom) and the frantic rush of Revolution, West & co are spirited enough to fire up any uprising.
Download: Revolution, Get Ready
Congo Natty: Jungle Revolution