Studying A Poem: A poem by Ria Murphy

Fighting Words 2019: Ria Murphy is 16 and a student at Enniscorthy Vocational College, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

Personification, swallowing any Joy that could be found studying English. Photograph: iStock

A tidal wave of metaphors,

Similes, like a trapdoor

Opening underfoot.

Personification, swallowing any


Joy that could be found studying English.

Ria Murphy from Wexford reads her poem 'Studying a Poem'.

Repetition, repetition, repetition.


Rhyming, or lack of it.

Stupid, silly sibilance sucking souls out of

Students, enjambment.

Pace. Rhythm. Perfectly placed punctuation.

Annoying avoidable alliteration

And assonance.

“What does he mean by this?”

Onomatopoeia, crashing down from the heavens

And searching for a wailing victim to prey upon.

Themes, themes, themes.




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