Kitty Stobling Dances On

A new poem by DS Martin

Who can discern what makes her take the chance
stilt-walking    precariously on a downtown street
a dance    to catch the eye of passersby
each upturned face    gawking questioningly?

They stop    mid-step surprised by her performance
a wonder    a conundrum    a curiosity
Is her love of unexpected grace    & the theatrical
what leaves her    risking absurdity?

Of these flat-footed rationalists    not one believes her
Come dance with Kitty Stobling    & dance with me
on mile-high stilts    half hidden by clouds
a high-flying myth    to help us all see

The rogues of the world    mock all that's beyond them
I'm mainly an observer    not smooth on my feet
but I dance in midair    where beauty walks    waiting
& the love of God stirs like wind in the wheat


Whirling & swirling    behind storm-formed clouds
graceful troops dance with Kitty    & all the tall trees
high above the timorous faces of the crowd
who never bother    with our identities

DS Martin’s collections include Ampersand (Cascade Books) and Conspiracy of Light: Poems Inspired by the Legacy of C S Lewis. He is poet-in-residence at McMaster Divinity College in Ontario.