Oh dear. Mummy Gillelspie is pumped, ready to send out the annual supercheery Christmas letter, when she has a bit of a menopausal breakdown and lets rip at her family instead. Daddy Gillespie is shut down. The Gillespie twins are out of control. The third Gillespie is a drama queen. And Ig, their only boy, is a weirdo. Not only that: Mum also has a brilliant fantasy life, and a fantasy daughter, with some geezer called Will, in London. Yikes. Family fallout is spectacular: broken-hearted husband, freaked-out twins, sobbing drama queen and puzzled Ig. Stalwart friend Joan comes to the rescue but not before Mummy smashes herself, and the car, with the ensuing “confabulation” freezing her in fantasyland. Not only has she publicly dissed her entire family, but now she has no idea who they are. All bunkum, of course, but great fun.