Want to get involved with Fighting Words?

Read more about our Youth Advisory Panel and Write Club below

The Fighting Words Youth Advisory Panel meets monthly to discuss current and upcoming projects

Youth Advisory Panel

The Youth Advisory Panel is an island-wide initiative made up of 16-18-year-olds from both Fighting Words and Fighting Words Northern Ireland, who come together to discuss and review our organisations’ activities. Founded in 2022 to platform young people’s voices at every level in our charities, it is now on its second generation of members.

The panel meets monthly to discuss current and upcoming projects. The panel also present at our board meetings on a rotation, transforming the dynamic of our decision making and aiming to empower and centre youth voice in the organisation. Young people on the panel take an annual trip to one of our locations, and get various social and creative opportunities. The next event on our calendar is a trip to Belfast, including a showcase performance opportunity for Belfast Book Festival 2024.

In the words of one of our members, Éire Ní Fhaoláin:

“The Youth Advisory Panel at Fighting Words is a space where ideas grow and flourish. We call ourselves Guthanna Óga, which is Irish for Young Voices – and that is exactly what this panel celebrates.


“Young people from all over Ireland work together to inspire and to promote writing in all shapes and forms and we come together to craft new ideas for a brighter writing future. This panel focuses on a variety of aspects of literature, emphasising the importance of the Irish language in our writing, the concept of spoken word and even the use of art in our compositions.

“In addition to this, young people and their voices are amplified as part of this wonderful panel and our ideas are respected, valued and put into practice. At the very core of Guthanna Óga is the importance of meeting like-minded people and friends. The panel is one big family, united by the shared passion to write, encourage and nourish creativity.”

Write Club

Write Club is for anyone aged 13-18 who wants to be part of a community of writers. Always free, sessions happen weekly and take place in person and online, meaning young people from all over the Republic and Northern Ireland can share and celebrate their creative writing with each other.

Our members write short stories, long stories and very long stories; poems and spoken word performances; graphic and flash fiction; scripts for plays, theatre and radio ... the list goes on. In short: any form of writing that captures your imagination. If you have the words, we have the expertise to help you hone your craft.

Additionally, with publishing opportunities, showcases, and monthly Q&As with industry professionals, Write Club can help any young writer develop their talents and their unique voice. Whether you are brand new to writing or have a project you’re working on, visit fightingwords.ie or fightingwords.co.uk to join the club.