Last but not least

LAST Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College Dublin Mon- Fri 11am-6pm (Thurs 11am- 7pm), Sat 11am- 4

LAST Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College Dublin Mon- Fri 11am-6pm (Thurs 11am- 7pm), Sat 11am- 4.45pm Apr 4-May 23 01-8961116

The Douglas Hyde’s group exhibitions are usually interesting events, and this one, provocatively titled Last, should be no exception. It follows on from last year’s Interlude, which was about “edgelands, liminality, and the borders of the known”. This year’s show “pushes beyond those boundaries towards a less familiar place where everyday structures have either been eroded or disintegrated.”

Lest we think it’s thematically prescriptive, however, the introductory description backs away from categorising what’s on view, suggesting that the show may simply consist of 20 recent works by Irish or Irish-based artists with no particular overarching meaning.

The promising list of artists comprises Stephen Brandes, Peter Burns, Elaine Byrne, Oliver Comerford, Kevin Cosgrove, Gary Coyle, Paul Doran, Damien Flood, Cliona Harmey, Wendy Judge, Nevan Lahart (left), Stephen Loughman, Sinéad Ní Mhaonaigh, Paul Nugent, Mark O’Kelly, David Sherry, Sonia Shiel and George Warren. AIDAN DUNNE



Lines of Behaviour Cross Gallery, 59 Francis St, Dublin Until Apr 28 01-4738978