1 The House (HOME) study of financial experts (ECONOMICS) (HOME ECONOMICS), of course, relates to bread and butter issues perhaps (HOME ECONOMICS),
10 Old (O-) capital in Europe (capital of Latvia = -RIGA-) a half a mile (a half a ‘MIle’ = -MI) (ORIGAMI) from crafty enterprise in Asia? (ORIGAMI),
11 Begin to enjoy (GET INTO) with Don (GET INTO),
12 Arab ruler (EMIR) taken in by upsetting (= reverse indicator) experiment (taken in ‘expeRIMEnt’ = rime = EMIR),
13 One of those in the Taxi (Taxi METER) trade (metier) losing a fair amount of (half) it (half of ‘It’ = i) (‘metier’ without ‘i’ = METER),
15 Starting on all sides today (starting on all sides of today’s grid = HOME) in a type of game (HOME game),
17 Job in the abbey (job/part in The Abbey Theatre) starting off (p) (‘part’ without ‘p’ = ART) for crafty type (ART),
19 Sports facilities (ARENAS) possibly (= anagram indicator) near (near = AREN-) a (-A-) school (-S) (ARENAS),
21 Plant (PROTEA) from professional (PRO-) and overseas volunteer army (Territorial Army = TA = T-A) around Spain (-E-) (PROTEA),
22 Old viceroy (KHEDIVE) of Kildare (KE = K-E) welcoming that man (-HE-) taking plunge (dive) for the most part (e) (‘dive’ without ‘e’ = -DIV-) (KHEDIVE),
23 Trade secret – releasing tarts (‘trade secret’ releasing ‘tarts’ = deecre = DECREE) to order (DECREE),
25 Coax (CAJOLE) Patrick to not take part in practical joke (‘Patrick’ to not take part in ‘practical joke’ = caljoe = CAJOLE),
27 Dump (tip)? In retrospect (= reverse indicator) (tip = PIT), that’s mine! (mine = PIT),
29 Old (O-) writer makes use of this (-INK) (OINK) affirmation from one of The Little Pigs (OINK),
30 Rod comes off main road (‘Rod’ comes off ‘main road’ = maina = MANIA) with wild enthusiasm (MANIA),
31 In part, blows a gasket (in part ‘blowS A GAsket’ = SAGA)? It’s a long story! (SAGA),
34 Falls (NIAGRA falls) around (= reverse indicator) a (-A) river (-R-) once more (again = NIAGA-) (NIAGARA),
35 The record-holder (ARCHIVE) by the middle of March? (middle of ‘mARCh’ = ARC-) The Beekeeper! (-HIVE) (ARCHIVE),
36 Accommodation (HOME-) built (-MADE) for 18 down (‘bread’ = BREAD) (HOME-MADE BREAD) is the handiwork of those capable of making amateurish bloomers (HOME-MADE BREAD).
2 Opening (ORIFICE) starter of (starter 'Of' = O-) ink-fish heads ('Ink Fish' heads = -IF-) surrounded by pilaf (rice = -R-ICE) (ORIFICE),
3 Model a nostalgic bit (‘modEL A Nostalgic’ bit = ELAN) of style (ELAN),
4 The police are looking into this (CRIME-) area (-A) (CRIMEA) and region in the Black Sea peninsula (CRIMEA),
5 Return (= reversal indicator) piece (gun = NUG-) to secure (-GET) (NUGGET) bit of gold (NUGGET),
6 Some gloomy thought (some ‘glooMY THought’ = MYTH) is the stuff of legends (MYTH),
7 Imagine (CONCOCT) criminal (CON-) taken by firm (-CO-) to court (ct = -CT) (CONCOCT),
8 Medical Examiner (Medical Examiner = -ME-) taken in by Howard (HO- -WARD) Spring (spring/leap = BOUND)? (HOMEWARD-BOUND) Ultimately, this is destiny of the Prodigal Son! (HOMEWARD-BOUND).
9 For example, in a non-commercial way, Charlotte’s (charlottes = puddings/desserts) (HOME-MADE CAKES) out of 15 across (‘home’ = HOME-), 32 down (‘made’ = -MADE) and 16 down (‘cakes’ = CAKES)? (HOME-MADE CAKES),
14 Daren’t (daren’t) swap (= anagram indicator) (daren’t = TRADE- N) around one (-I-) (TRADE-IN), as it’s second hand (TRADE-IN),
16 Warmth from watchmakers (‘warmth’ from ‘watchmakers’ = cakes = CAKES) for The Brownies (CAKES),
18 Opening book (opening ‘Book’ = B-) to study (-READ) (BREAD) the Russian Borodinsky (type of Russian sourdough rye BREAD),
20 That woman (SHE) in logistics headquarters (in ‘logisticS HEadquarters’ = SHE),
21 Some clothing material (PVC) for Saudi out of Davis Cup (‘Saudi’ out of ‘Davis Cup’ = vcp = PVC),
24 Firm (Co = C-O) conceals Ecuadorean bank’s (‘EcuadoreaN’ banks = -EN-) turnover (= reverse indicator), tax payment (VAT = -TAV-) (CENTAVO) and money in Mexico (CENTAVO),
26 Instrument (OCARINA) produced by wedding band (ring = O-) associated with friend from the Gaeltacht (Irish for ‘friend’ = cara = -CAR-A) outside Trim (n) pub (inn) (‘inn’ without ‘n’ = -IN-) (OCARINA),
27 Recalls (= reverse indicator) two agencies (Associated Press x 2 = AP +AP = PAPA-) contacting German? Yes (German ‘yes’ = -YA) (PAPAYA), a bit of a smoothie perhaps! (PAPAYA),
28 Rant (TIRADE) from rising (= reverse indicator) writer (ed = -DE) with cunning (art = T-RA-) covering what’s current (-I-) (TIRADE),
32 Vile from Medieval (‘vile’ from ‘medieval’ = meda = MADE) forge (MADE),
33 Endless (e) panic (scare) (‘scare’ without ‘e’ = SCAR) tends to leave a mark (SCAR).