8 Rogue (SCAMP-) from island (-I) (SCAMPI) produced dish with fish (SCAMPI),
9 Thug (HOOLIGAN) taking set from theologians (taking ‘set’ from ‘theologians’ = hologian = HOOLIGAN),
10 Chill someone’s blood (scare) briefly (e) (‘scare’ without ‘e’ = SCAR) in pit? (SCAR),
11 Broadcast (AIR) on bootlegging (TRAFFIC) (AIR TRAFFIC) produced by those in Sky (AIR TRAFFIC),
12 Buck (WAPITI) Washington (WA-) is similar to 10 across (‘scar’ similar to -PIT-), for one (-I) (WAPITI),
14 Ditches (TRENCHES) those employed by a major employer when there is trouble (TRENCHES),
15 Fiddle (INSTRUMENT-) elite group (A-list = -ALIST) (INSTRUMENTALIST) – the one playing to the audience (INSTRUMENTALIST),
18 Filled to capacity (FULL-) with support (-BACK) (FULLBACK) for defensive type (FULLBACK),
20 Oh (oh), sounds like (= homophone indicator) (‘oh’ = ‘O’ = OXYGEN) it’s in the tent (OXYGEN tent)
22 Narrow escapes (NEAR MISSES) in the neighbourhood (NEAR) from unmarried women (MISSES) (NEAR MISSES),
24 Young boxer (PUP-) at a (-A) (PUPA) stage where flighty one is not fully formed (PUPA),
25 Not the first (RUNNER-UP) to seek office (RUN-) for every second angel (every second ‘aNgEl’ = -NE-) from Russia (RU = -R-U-) on quiet (quiet/play quietly = piano = -P) (RUNNER-UP),
26 Rapid rise (ROCKET) of Zoom? (zoom/speed = ROCKET).
1 Reviews (= reverse indicator) short (r) broadcast (air) ('air' without 'r' = ai = -IA) by two accountants (CA + CA = ACAC-) (ACACIA) and one of the Wattles from Australia (ACACIA is a wattle in Australia),
2 Lad getting out of Daimler (‘Lad’ getting out of ‘Daimler’ = imer = EMIR) is a Muslim ruler (EMIR),
3 All turn up (= reverse all indicator) for students’ group (students’ group = Union of Students of Ireland = USI = -ISU) march (Mar = -RAM-) to Institute of Technology (IT = TI-) (TIRAMISU) – it’s rather sweet (TIRAMISU),
4 Burn a little (CHAR) – both sides with chilli vinegar (both sides with ‘CHilli vinegAR’ = CHAR),
5 Sour (sour) exchange (= anagram indicator) (sour = -OURS-) between Belgium (B-E) (BOURSE) and France’s stock market (BOURSE),
6 Old Penny (D-) is uncertain (iffy = -IFF-Y) about one (-I-) religious sect (-CULT-) (DIFFICULTY) in deep trouble (DIFFICULTY),
7 Idleness (LAZINESS) of young girl (lass = LA-SS) over a fair amount of (half of) the magazine (half of ‘magaZINE’ = -ZINE-) (LAZINESS),
13 Unsympathetic (INTOLERANT) to one (I-) new (-N-) patient (-TOLERANT) (INTOLERANT),
14 Make adjustments (TWEAK) in time (T-) in firm? (‘in firm’ = ‘infirm’ = -WEAK) (TWEAK),
16 Sick to one’s stomach (NAUSEOUS) with common sense (nous = N-OUS) about odd abuser (odd letters in ‘AbUsEr’ = -AU-E-) taking drugs ultimately (‘drugS’ ultimately = -S) (NAUSEOUS),
17 The rugby occasion opens (‘The Rugby Occasion’ opens = TRO-) for consumers (-USERS) (TROUSERS) covering both legs (TROUSERS),
19 A (A-) verbose leader (‘Verbose’ leader = -V-) from The Chronicle (diary) needs no introduction (d) (‘diary’ without ‘d’ = -IARY) (AVIARY), as it’s for the birds (AVIARY),
21 Catches sight of (ESPIES) banks of Eccles cakes (banks of ‘Eccles cakeS’ = ES-) in the bakery’s window (-PIES) (ESPIES),
23 Tests the water (SIPS) and current (-I-) for midshipman (mid ‘shiPman’ = -P-) in boat (S-S) (SIPS),
24 Stuff (PACK) in jam? (PACK).