Crosaire No 17742 by Crossheir – Friday, November 26th, 2021

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Copy (MIRROR) of The Paper (MIRROR),

9 Pick up the threads of (CONTINUE) résumé? (résumé  = resume = CONTINUE),

10 Took public transport (bused) starting off (b) (‘bused’ without ‘b’ = USED) – the type that’s seen better days (USED),


11 Put at risk (THREATENED) by menace (THREATEN-) working on newspaper (-ED) (THREATENED),

12 Is capable of giving a clip around the ears (BARBER) for hurtful remark (BARB-) and that’s sounds like a mistake (-ER) (BARBER),

14 Spider (ARACHNID) in a (A-) rancid (rancid) batter (= anagram indicator) (rancid = -RAC-NID) around side of haddock (side of ‘Haddock’ = -H-) (ARACHNID),

15 Deception (SMOKE AND MIRRORS) produced by most of those in 26 across (most of ‘smokes’= SMOKE) as well as (AND) 8 across (‘mirror’ = MIRROR-) going to school (-S) (SMOKE AND MIRRORS),

18 Don’t speak to locals (BLANK-), aliens (ETs = -ETS) (BLANKETS) or those lying about the kings and queens (BLANKETS lying about the kings and queens beds),

20 It’s not hard (easy = EAS-Y) consuming heads of iceberg lettuce (heads of ‘Iceberg Lettuce’ = -IL-) (EASILY) without effort? (EASILY),

22 Of significance in the past (HISTORIC-) to a (-A-) port (port/left = -L) (HISTORICAL) that’s a subject of Ancient Studies (HISTORICAL),

24 Supports opposition inside (‘supporTS Opposition’ inside up = tsop = POST) up (= reverse indicator) in the station (station/area of duty = POST),

25 They occupy (INVADERS) those who come over The Border uninvited (INVADERS),

26 Awful (= anagram indicator) mess (mess = SM-ES) over the go-ahead (-OK-) (SMOKES) for those with a habit (SMOKES).


1 Hesitates not having the (‘hesitates’ not having ‘the’ = siates = SIESTA) nap in the afternoon (SIESTA),

2 Brigades dismissed base (‘brigades’ dismissed ‘base’ = rigd = GRID) network (GRID),

3 Canons (canons/principles = CRITERIA) caught (C-) ceremony (-RITE-) at academy (Royal Irish Academy = -RIA) (CRITERIA),

4 Make a lasting impression on (SCAR) Cliff’s (cliffs = scarp) missing piano (p) (‘scarp’ without ‘p’ = SCAR),

5 American (Yank) loses the head (y) (‘yank’ without ‘y’ = ANK-) with a (-A-) trim (y) swimmer (‘ray’ without ‘y’ = -RA) (ANKARA) from European capital (ANKARA)

6 Hung around with (MIXED) that girl (HER-) from primary? Best (primary ‘Best’ = -B-) friends, ultimately (‘friendS’ ultimately = -S) (MIXED HERBS), with Basil and Rosemary when they’re together! (MIXED HERBS),

7 Is it better (SUPERIOR) to rise up or (rise up or) run? (= anagram indicator) (rise up or = SUPERIOR),

13 A (-A-) family (-KIN-) having great (-G) time (T-) in Bray (Bray = B- -RAY) (BAKING TRAY) employed in a place where there’s bread to be made (BAKING TRAY),

14 Found in Arabian desert (found in ‘arabiAN DESert’ = ANDES) and South American mountains (ANDES),

16 Large numbers (MILLIONS) to exploit (milk) for the most part (k) (‘milk’ without ‘k’ = MIL-) for those with pride (-LIONS) (MILLIONS),

17 Best possible (IDEAL-) result at university (first = 1st = -IST) (IDEALIST) for one who is practically hard to please (IDEALIST),

19 Uplifting (= reverse indicator) study (den = -NED) by Rex (-R-) Russell (George William Russell  = AE = EA-) (EARNED) gained through his work (EARNED),

21 Catches (nets = -STEN) the Italian (‘the’ Italian = (il = LI-) getting up (= reverse indicator) (LISTEN) to tune in (LISTEN),

23 Shoreline (coast) lacks oxygen (o) (‘coast’ without ‘o’ = CAST) for fish? (CAST),

24 Topsoil – it’s removed (‘topsoil’ ‘its’ removed/without ‘its’  = opol= POOL) from a small lake (POOL).