Crosaire No 17392 by Crossheir – Monday, October 12th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Teaser from electricians (‘teaser’ from ‘electricians’ = lcicin = CLINIC) providing remedies (CLINIC),

9 One paying attention (LISTENER) to line (-L-) from translated (= anagram indicator) entries (entries = -ISTENER) (LISTENER),

10 Those little troublemakers (IMPS) in The Simpsons (in ‘the sIMPSons’ = IMPS),

11 They’re working on site (DEVELOPERS) for those on the make (DEVELOPERS),


12 Shelter for brave (WIGMAM) women (-W-) protected by Wise Guys (Magi = -IG-AM) at work (W-) – that’s a reflection on them all (= reverse all indicator) (WIGWAM),

14 Irish men (Irish ‘men’ = FIR-) at closing time (closing ‘timE’ = -E) find way out (DOOR) (FIRE DOOR) is usually closed unless there is an emergency (FIRE DOOR),

15 The New Yorker (AMERICAN) on mission (EMBASSY) (AMERICAN EMBASSY) in foreign office you’d associate with us (US = United States)? (AMERICAN EMBASSY),

18 Fishy (= anagram indicator) suppers (suppers = SUPPRES-) and last drinks (last ‘drinkS’ = -S) (SUPPRESS) to keep down (SUPPRESS),

20 One of those in the abbey (play) needing no introduction (p) (‘play’ without ‘p’ = LAY) leads monks and nuns (leads ‘Monks And Nuns’ = -MAN) (LAYMAN) and one of the flock (LAYMAN),

22 Takeaway (DETACH-) workers (-MEN-) find bone (-T bone) (DETACHMENT) in a part of 17 down (DETACHMENT unit/squad in the “military”),

24 It might come as a surprise at Christmas (GIFT) to gas fitter shedding tears (‘gas fitter’ shedding ‘tears’ = gfit = GIFT),

25 School (S-) meals (meals = -ALESM-) cooked (= anagram indicator) on a (-A-) middle range (middle ‘raNge’ = -N) (SALESMAN) by a gent? (‘a gent’ = ‘agent’ = SALESMAN),

26 Managed (RAN-) the police department (Criminal Investigation Department = -CID) (RANCID) when one is off for a long time? (RANCID).


1 Students of the past (ALUMNI) in old boys’ club (ALUMNI),

2 Starting off (b) gives in (bends) (‘bends’ without ‘b’ = ENDS) to objectives (ENDS),

3 Fellow (ACADEMIC) produced a (A-) computer-aided design (computer-aided design = -CAD-) to train (= anagram indicator) mice (mice = -EMIC) (ACADEMIC)

4 European (SLAV) raised (= reverse indicator) in the embrace of Perceval Spencer (in the embrace of ‘perceVAL Spencer’ = vals = SLAV),

5 Health and Safety Authority (HSA) raises (= reverse indicator) (HSA = ASH-) alarm at The Centre (‘aLARm’ at the centre = -LAR) (ASHLAR) used by The Masons (ASHLAR stone),

6 Don’t throw away (KEEP) The Daily Record (A DIARY) (KEEP A DIARY) – it’s what The Observer would do with The Daily News? (KEEP A DIARY),

7 For those retiring (BEDROOMS) from The Queen (BED-), The Office (-ROOM-) and End of Days (end of ‘dayS’ = -S) (BEDROOMS),

13 Damaged (= anagram indicator) ropewalks (ropewalks = WORKPLA-ES) around top of cliff (top of ‘Cliff’ = -C-) (WORKPLACES) with plants (manufacturing plants = WORKPLACES),

14 Discovers (FINDS) lie from infidels (‘lie’ from ‘infidels’ = infds = FINDS),

16 Oscar (-O-), Sue (Sue = -USE-), Rocky (= anagram indicator) and Penny (-P-) consumed by cracked (mad = M- -AD) (MOUSE PAD) computer accessory (MOUSE PAD),

17 Forces (MILITARY) Mary (M-ARY) to take in one (-I-) type of chick (chick -LIT-) (MILITARY),

19 Unearth (EXHUME) old partner (EX-) with a moral and political philosopher (moral and political philosopher (David -HUME) (EXHUME)

21 Incident (AFFAIR) in a (A-) party (Fianna Fáil = -FF-) atmosphere (-AIR) (AFFAIR),

23 Some plant ecology (some ‘plANT Ecology’ = ante) dug up (= reverse indicator) (ante = ETNA) in a hot spot (Mount ETNA),

24 Nuts from tungsten (‘nuts’ from ‘tungsten’ = gten = GENT) produced by refined chap (GENT).