1 Agricultural study of one of those in the cabbage family (ROCKET SCIENCE) – in a funny way, it’s not complicated (it’s not ROCKET SCIENCE),
10 On holiday (OUT-), fiction (-LIE-) is first read (first ‘Read’ = -R) (OUTLIER) by detached person (OUTLIER),
11 Storm (TORNADO) over (= reverse indicator) old (-O) man (Dan = -NAD-) is local nonsense (local ‘nonsense’ = rot = TOR-) (TORNADO),
12 For example, Granny (Granny KNOT) Pat is abandoning tank top (‘Pat’ is abandoning ‘tank top’ = nkto = KNOT),
13 Relish (ENJOY) for starter of lobster (hen lobster) is missing (h) (‘hen’ without ‘ h’ = EN-) – where’s the gratification in that? (-JOY) (ENJOY),
15 Type of pitch (ROCK) popular with all sides today (ROCK on all sides of today’s grid),
17 Piece (GUN) of marketing understated in part (‘marketinG UNderstated’ in part = GUN),
19 Some foodie selection (some ‘fooDIE SELection’ = DIESEL) provides fuel for our energy requirements (DIESEL),
21 Reduce (lessen) sound (= homophone indicator) (‘lessen’ = ‘lesson’ = LESSON) for tutorial (LESSON),
22 It (-IT-) is found in sun block (visor = VIS-OR) (VISITOR) although it’s alien to some of us (alien / VISITOR),
23 Bad blood (HATRED) between Meg Thatcher (between ‘meg tHATcher’ = HAT-) and revolutionary (-RED) (HATRED),
25 The means (WEALTH) to rewrite (= anagram indicator) the law (the law = WEALTH),
27 Saint George dismissed Georgian (‘Saint George’ dismissed ‘Georgian’ = ste = SET) clique (SET),
29 Cromwell’s issue, for instance (issue/child = BABY), on both sides at the Battle of Naseby? (on both sides at the ‘BAttle of NaseBY’ = BABY),
30 Transfer between banks (FERRY) for numerous people going overseas (FERRY),
31 Lasting impression (SCAR) of the extremes of the school year (the extremes of the ‘SChool yeAR’ = SCAR),
34 Mobilised (= anagram indicator) carers (carers = ARC-ERS) welcome hospital (-H-) (ARCHERS) hotshots? (ARCHERS),
35 Popular (in) revolutionary (= reverse indicator) (in = -NI-) consumed by smashing (great) State (= homophone indicator) (‘great’ = ‘grate’ = GRA-TE) (GRANITE) is similar to 15 across (‘rock’ is similar to GRANITE),
36 Shocking (ROCKING) those running the meetings (CHAIRS) (ROCKING CHAIRS) with seats presumably in the Irish Senior Citizens’ parliament? (ROCKING CHAIRS).
2 As a result (OUTCOME), Open University (OU-) scholarly volume (tome = -T-OME) covers copyright (-C-) (OUTCOME),
3 Reviews (= reversal indicator) time (-T) for the writers to use (ink = KNI-) (KNIT) to bond together (to KNIT together),
4 It’s exhausting (TIRING) for tenor (T-) from one (-I-) wedding band (-RING) (TIRING),
5 Criminal (C-ON) jumps over the top (‘Over The Top’ = -OTT-) (COTTON) with raw material used for making sheets (COTTON),
6 Investor leaves reservations (‘investor’ leaves ‘reservations’ = eras = EARS) to the listeners (EARS),
7 Produced (= anagram indicator) Narcos (Narcos = CRA-ONS) over last day (last ‘daY’ = -Y-) (CRAYONS) with colourful writers (CRAYONS),
8 What iceberg did to Titanic (ROCKED THE BOAT) caused trouble (ROCKED THE BOAT),
9 Craftsman toys (ROCKING HORSES) with Sinbad’s bird (mythical bird that appears in The Arabian Nights along with Sinbad = ROC-), Shahryar (-KING in The Arabian Nights) and a number of The Arabians (HORSES) (ROCKING HORSES),
14 Old Germanic race (Jute = JU-TE-) took over most of (t) mine (‘pit’ without ‘t’ = -PI-) at end of war (end of ‘waR’ = -R) (JUPITER), by Jove! (JUPITER),
16 Leo won’t participate in free love (‘Leo’ won’t participate in ‘free love’ = freev = FEVER) – that’s far too much excitement (FEVER),
18 Concealed by Mount Erebus (concealed by ‘mounT EREBus’ = tereb) going up (= reverse indicator) (tereb = BERET) to a nice cap (Nice/French cap = BERET),
20 Sample of holidays (sample of ‘hoLIDays’ = LID) in Cork (cork/top = LID),
21 Turns up (= reverse indicator) in The Cotswolds (in ‘the cotsWOLds’ = wol = LOW) needing a refill (LOW),
24 Heartless (b) abbot (‘abbot’ without ‘b’ = abot) knocks back (= reversal indicator) (abot = TOBA-) first course (first ‘Course’ = -C-) with cold (-C-) duck (-O) (TOBACCO) and leaves for a smoke (TOBACCO leaves for smoke/cigarette),
26 Being more fortunate than others (LUCKIER), Ulick (ulick) gets sorted (= anagram indicator) (Ulick = LUCKI-) in hospital (-ER) (LUCKIER),
27 Add zest to (SEASON) or rips off rap session? (‘rips’ off ‘rap session’ = aesson = SEASON),
28 Temperature (T-) reflects (= reversal indicator) most of (y) Gary (‘gary’ without ‘y’ = gar = -RAG-), Indiana – to begin with (‘Indiana’ to begin with = -I-), it’s cold (-C) (TRAGIC) and dreadful (TRAGIC),
32 Both sides with peppered steak (both sides with ‘PEppered steAK’ = PEAK) for one of the widows going on ahead? (widow’s PEAK hair / on a head),
33 All the numbers to be analysed (DATA) within the uplifting (= reverse indicator) confines of Sonata da Chiesa (confines of ‘sonATA Da chiesa’ = atad = DATA).