1 David, the figure from the cast, for instance (Michelangelo’s David = STATUE), is broken leaving Buster Keaton (‘broken’ leaving ‘Buster Keaton’ = usteat = STATUE),
4 With those types of blocks, it’s a cold place (ICEHOUSE) in Irish (I-) Church (Church of England = -CE-) building (-HOUSE) (ICEHOUSE),
9 Request (APPEAL) remuneration leaving European Parliament (‘remuneration’ leaving ‘European Parliament’ = paplae = APPEAL),
10 Nobleman (Peer = PE -ER) welcomes resistance (-R-) to James the First (‘James’ the first = -J-) from old city (-UR-) (PERJURER) – he’s a liar and all The Court knows it (PERJURER),
12 One (-I-) even now (-STILL-) investing in the German (the = der = D-ER) (DISTILLER) maker of shorts? (DISTILLER),
13 Joke (CLOWN) with most of those in 27 across (most of ‘clowns’ = CLOWN),
14 Correspondent (LETTER WRITER) in 19 down (‘letter’ = LETTER) has 25 across (‘writer’ = WRITER) (LETTER WRITER),
18 Works in the abbey (works in The Abbey Theatre = SETS THE SCENE)? That explains everything! (SETS THE SCENE),
21 Drugs (E-) – blow (blow), crack (= anagram indicator) (blow = -LBOW) (ELBOW) or joint? (ELBOW joint),
22 Irate chum (irate chum = RHEUMATIC) twisted (= anagram indicator) joint causing such pain (RHEUMATIC),
24 It’s the end of the line (TERMINUS) for Government’s stint (TERM-) in (-IN-) America (-US) (TERMINUS),
25 Warrant (WRIT-) for that woman (her) losing the head (h) (‘her’ without ‘h’ = -ER) (WRITER) reported in the paper (WRITER),
26 Church caretaker (verger) is not finished (r) (‘verger’ without ‘r’ = verge = ROADSIDE) by the way (ROADSIDE),
27 Fools (CLOWNS) those opening 11 down (opening ‘clowns around’ = CLOWNS).
1 Meandering (= anagram indicator) canals (canals = SCAN-AL-) around Dublin (-D-) suburbs open (‘Suburbs’ open = -S) (SCANDALS) to a serious of transgressions reported in the paper (SCANDALS),
2 A (A-) very quiet (very quiet/pianissimo = -PP-) old (-O-) place (-SITE) (APPOSITE) would be suitable (APPOSITE),
3 Relative (-MAM-) behind (= positional indicator) unionist (U-) institute (-I) (UMAMI) gets a taste of Japan (UMAMI),
5 Exonerated (CLEAR-ED) over an eyesore perhaps (-SIGHT-) (CLEAR-SIGHTED) – how perceptive is that? (CLEAR-SIGHTED),
6 Is this how The Giant greeted his guest (The Giant from Jack and the Beanstalk = “Hi Jack” = HIJACK-) with The Wards (ERs = -ERS) (HIJACKERS) – the ones who took the plane? (HIJACKERS),
7 Forcibly remove (UPROOT) our top (our top) model (= anagram indicator) (our top = UPROOT),
8 Bartender loses bet (‘bartender’ loses ‘bet’ = arnder = ERRAND) – in the run where someone is expected to collect (ERRAND),
11 Plays The Idiot (CLOWNS AROUND) in 27 across (‘clowns’ = CLOWNS) approximately (AROUND) (CLOWNS AROUND),
15 Alpine (EDELWEISS) swedes lie (swedes lie) all over the place (= anagram indicator) (Swedes lie = EDELWEISS),
16 Mae West (Mae West) adaptation (= anagram indicator) (Mae West = MEA- STEW) about tenor (-T) (MEAT STEW) produced by Mulligan, the one known to American consumers? (American meat stew/ “Mulligan” = MEAT STEW),
17 The man in the middle shows them to dirty footballers (RED CARDS), but not the clubs in a colourful sense (RED CARDS are diamonds and hearts, not clubs or spades),
19 Character (LETTER) risked a removal from Kildare Street (‘risked a’ removal from ‘Kildare Street’ = ltreet = LETTER),
20 Spain and Portugal (IBERIA) and more than half of Russia (Siberia) is leaderless (s) (‘siberia’ without ‘s’ = IBERIA)
23 Ethical (MORAL) dame is not involved in melodrama (‘dame’ is not involved in ‘melodrama’ = mlora = MORAL).