Crosaire No 17241 by Crossheir – Saturday, April 18th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Slight growing concerns (SMALLHOLDINGS) for the farmers of Lilliput (SMALLHOLDINGS),

10 A German (a German) show-off (= anagram indicator) (a German = MANAGER) in charge of 29 across, for example (in charge of  ‘team’ = MANAGER),

11 Family (KIN-) dog (dog) barking (= anagram indicator) (dog = -GDO-) on motorway (-M) (KINGDOM) in Kerry (KINGDOM),

12 Tiny parasites (LICE) in the public eye (in the ‘pubLIC Eye’ = LICE),


13 Type of shirt (SMALL size shirt) seen on all sides today (SMALL is on all sides of today’s grid),

15 Sides of beautiful brill (sides of ‘BEautiful briLL’ = BELL) produced for lunch we hear (lunch BELL),

17 Edict from City Desk (‘edict’ from ‘city desk’ = ysk = SKY) goes over one’s head (SKY),

19 A (-A) large (-L-) vault (leap = PAEL-) blown up (= reversal indicator) (PAELLA) for the consumers in Madrid (PAELLA),

21 Note (music note A-) to police (-CID-) in charge (-IC) (ACIDIC) is very bitter (ACIDIC),

22 Is not hostile (AFFABLE) to a (A-) French (-F-) legend (-FABLE) (AFFABLE),

23 Globe missing from strobe light? (‘globe’ missing from ‘strobe light’ = striht = THIRST) Find a solution to that problem at the bar! (THIRST),

25 Sidekick (partner) backing off (r) (‘partner’ without ‘r’ = partne), retiring (= reversal indicator) (partne = ENTRAP) to corner (ENTRAP),

27 Uplifting (= reverse indicator) part of Euripides’ (part of euriPIDes’ = pid = DIP) decline (DIP),

29 Partnership (TEAM) to curate a museum’s content (‘curaTE A Museums’ content = TEAM),

30 Count (TOTAL) talking to missing king (‘talking to’ missing ‘king’ = talto = TOTAL),

31 Knocked back (= reversal indicator) sample from Chianti bottle (sample of ‘chianTI BOttle’ = tibo = OBIT) in passing – this is the life (OBIT),

34 Problem (= anagram indicator) dieting (dieting = EDITING) or cutting out what’s not needed (EDITING),

35 Go ballistic without the bits (‘go ballistic’ without the ‘bits’ = goallic = LOGICAL) of sound (LOGICAL),

36 The minor investor will get this (SMALL DIVIDEND) from self-starter (‘Self’ starter = S-) at shopping centre in New York (-MALL) – and that’s a bonus! (DIVIDEND) (SMALL DIVIDEND).


2 Frenchman (Monsieur = M-) on canal (canal = -ANACL-) barge (= anagram indicator) has sweetheart (‘swEet’ heart = -E) (MANACLE) in a heavy metal band hampering The Movement (MANACLE),

3 Some of the durable goods (some of the ‘durabLE GOods’ = LEGO) produced for childish types in the building game (LEGO),

4 Oriental (East = -E-) in distress (harm = HAR-M-) goes to school (-S) (HAREMS) for women’s groups (HAREMS),

5 Kelly (Kelly) travelling (= anagram indicator) (Kelly = L-KELY) around island? (-I-) (LIKELY) That’s probably the case! (LIKELY),

6 They sell 21 down (INNS sell ‘ale’) to bed and breakfasts (INNS),

7 Green light (GO-) from department (-D-) principal (-HEAD) (GODHEAD) for one of those in Trinity (GODHEAD),

8 Describing Spud’s pulled early (SMALL POTATOES) is not worth mentioning locally (it’s not worth mentioning ‘locally’ = it’s SMALL POTATOES)

9 Little characters (SMALL CAPITALS) from Vatican City and City of San Marino, for example (Vatican City and City of San Marino are examples of SMALL CAPITALS),

14 What you can distil from the end of 8 down (make AKVAVIT from what’s at the end of ‘small potatoes’), in spirit (AKVAVIT),

16 Place (PL-) in a forest (-ASH) (PLASH) by entrance to a river by the sound of it (PLASH),

18 Small (S-) capital (capital/money = -CENT) (SCENT) comes up smelling like roses (SCENT),

20 Direction a crafty type might take (AFT) that’s laughable (daft) heading off (d) (‘daft’ without ‘d’ = AFT),

21 One of those bitter types (bitter ALE) in Sierra Leone (in ‘sierrA LEone’ = ale = ALE),

24 Wise guys (-MAGI-) consumed by type of philosophy (ism = I-SM) (IMAGISM) and poetry expressed by Joyce, for example (IMAGISM)

26 Polish (RUB-) leaders from imperial city of Naples (leaders from ‘Imperial City Of Naples’ = -ICON) (RUBICON) crossed by old Roman emperor at the point of no return (RUBICON),

27 Resolved (DOGGED) to boil (= anagram indicator) odd egg (odd egg = DOGGED),

28 Bell-ringer waiting for a reaction (PAVLOV) is looking after conditioning of boxers perhaps (boxers/dogs + PAVLOV),

32 Part of reflective (= reverse indicator) still image (part of reflective ‘stiLL IMage’ = llim = MILL) from Donnybrook locally (donnybrook/uproar = MILL),

33 Exhibited the effects of time (AGED) consumed by mortgage debt (consumed by ‘mortgAGE Debt’ = AGED).