1 Keeping an eye on caseworker (keeping an eye on caseworker/ lawyer = WATCHING BRIEF) working as a barman not directly involved (WATCHING BRIEF),
10 Acknowledges (ANSWERS) swans (swans = ANSW-S) flying (= anagram indicator) over English (-E-) river (-R-) (ANSWERS),
11 Road (M-), in a manner of speaking (oral), is not finished (l) (‘oral’ without ‘l’ = -ORA-) going through (-VIA) (MORAVIA) part of Europe (MORAVIA),
12 Bank’s cash machine (banks/sides ‘CAsh machiNE’ = CANE) staff (staff/stick = CANE),
13 Bails out of East Berlin (‘bails’ out of ‘East Berlin’ = etern = ENTER) to move into…? (ENTER),
15 Revolutionary (= reversal indicator) part of protocol bolstered (part of ‘protoCOL Bolstered’ = colb = BLOC) alliance (BLOC),
17 Make a mistake (ERR) losing top (h) address in Munich (‘herr’ without ‘h’ = ERR),
19 Rising (= reversal indicator) river (River Po = OP-) for ages? (-ERAS) (OPERAS) What Monteverdi worked on in Venice! (OPERAS),
21 Dress (= anagram indicator) shop (shop = S-PHO) welcomes a (-A-) quiet (piano = -P-) (SAPPHO), old female writer (SAPPHO),
22 Soldier (GI-) is not the first (‘Not’ the first = -N) generating a rumour (rumour MILL) (GIN MILL) in seedy New York club (GIN MILL),
23 Avoid (EVADE-) writing (from the 3Rs = -R) (EVADER) to one of those on the run (EVADER),
25 Jerk (YANK-) gets drug (-E-) from Oriental (east = -E) (YANKEE) figure living in America (YANKEE),
27 Garland (LEI) returns (= reverse indicator) to trio in Dixieland (trio in ‘dixIELand’ = iel = LEI),
29 Drink (BEER) for sides on bench? Water! (sides on the ‘BEnch watER’ = BEER),
30 What a talent scout might do pitchside (WATCH) for all sides today (WATCH on all sides of today’s grid),
31 Bit of breakfast undercooked (bit of ‘breakfaST UNdercooked’ = stun) served up (= reversal indicator) (stun = NUTS) with crackers (NUTS),
34 Most of (k) the literature (chick lit) (‘chick’ without ‘k’ = CHIC-) previously (-AGO) (CHICAGO) in America (CHICAGO),
35 Line (CRINKLE) of roentgen (-R-) found in unstable (= anagram indicator) nickel (nickel = C-INKLE) (CRINKLE),
36 Works around the clock presumably (WATCH REPAIRER) having to deal with time management issues (WATCH REPAIRER).
2 It makes the heart grow fonder (ABSENCE) briefly (t), being away (‘absent’ without ‘t’ = ABSEN-) from church (Church of England = -CE) (ABSENCE),
3 Omen from newcomer (‘omen’ from ‘newcomer’ = ewcr = CREW) involved in a row (CREW),
4 Crazy (INSANE) tips for Adam ’n’ Eve (tips for ‘Adam N Eve’ = -ANE) after (= positional indicator) awful (= anagram indicator) sin (sin = INS-) (INSANE),
5 Squash, for example (game = GAM-E-), stuffed with one (-I-) shoulder end (‘shouldeR’ end = -R) (GAMIER) of meat that’s a lot more like venison (GAMIER),
6 Show off War Horse (‘show’ off ‘war horse’ = arre = RARE) – the type that’s not well done (RARE),
7 English (E-) novel (novel = NVELO-) revamped (= anagram indicator) with professional (-P) (ENVELOP) cover (ENVELOP),
8 Beckons a (beckons a = ONE’S BACK) criminal (= anagram indicator) behind (= position indicator) view (WATCH) (WATCH ONE’S BACK) to take precautions (WATCH ONE’S BACK),
9 Advice for crossing a minefield (WATCH ONE’S STEP) from individuals (ones = ONE’S) following (= position indicator) guard (WATCH) dogs (pets) around (= reversal indicator) (pets = STEP) (WATCH ONE’S STEP),
14 Heard coming out of jazz club (TRUMPET), foreign politician (-MP-) in genuine (genuine = true = TRU-E-) trouble from the start (‘Trouble’ from the start = -T) (TRUMPET),
16 Some Chelsea geriatric (some ‘chelsEA GERiatric’ = EAGER) is as keen as mustard (EAGER),
18 Port (port/left = -L-) consumed in cultural association’s (Gaelic Athletic Association’s = GAA’s = GA-AS) (GALAS) big bashes (GALAS),
20 Educationalist (SIR) produced review (= reversal indicator) consumed by parishioners (consumed by ‘paRIShioners’ = ris = SIR),
21 School (S-) place (lay) isn’t filled (a) (‘lay’ without ‘a’ = -LY) (SLY) by artful type (SLY),
24 Video camera fails to capture dove (‘video camera’ fails to capture/without ‘dove’ = icamera = AMERICA) across the pond? (AMERICA),
26 Joint (KNUCKLE) serves up (= reversal indicator) something similar to deer (elk = -KLE) caught (-C-) on a French (French ‘a’ = un = -NU-) weekend (‘weeK’ end = K-) (KNUCKLE),
27 Work (LABOUR) for the scientists (LAB-) from old (-O-), old city (-UR) (LABOUR),
28 Cold type from summit (ICE CAP) in Nice (nice) heading off (N) (‘nice’ without ‘n’ = ICE) to Cork (CAP) (ICE CAP),
32 Part of the hospital care (part of the ‘hospiTAL Care’ = TALC) for the white powder (TALC),
33 Horrified losing order (‘horrified’ losing ‘order’ = hifi = HI-FI) with sound system (HI-FI).