8 Upsets (= reversal indicator) the eldest (Adam = -MADA) artist (RA = AR-) (ARMADA) in The Fleet (ARMADA warships),
9 In the end, 15 across (in the end ‘took into account’ = ACCOUNT-) from One Direction (South = -S) (ACCOUNTS) produced records (ACCOUNTS),
10 Fundraiser (FETE) goes around feeling inadequate (FETE goes around ‘FEeling inadequaTE’),
11 Hardy (HARD -Y) welcomes Dunne (‘Dunne’ = ‘done’ = DONE) Report (= homophone indicator) on Bishop (B-) (HARD DONE BY) unfairly treated (HARD DONE BY),
12 The way things stand (AS IT IS), Asti is (Asti is = AS IT IS) awful (= anagram indicator),
14 The staff use it to get out (BACK DOOR) for weekend (‘weeK’ end = - K) in Cordoba (Cordoba) heat (= anagram indicator) (Cordoba = BAC DOOR) (BACK DOOR),
15 Gave it some thought (TOOK INTO ACCOUNT) to remove (TOOK) teacher’s (teachers = Irish National Teachers’ Organisation = INTO) report (ACCOUNT) (TOOK INTO ACCOUNT),
18 Large vehicle (limousine) isn’t finished (e) (‘limousine’ without ‘e’ = LIMOUSIN) for the French cattle (LIMOUSIN cattle and a province),
20 Cope leaving Copenhagen (‘Cope’ leaving ‘Copenhagen’ = nhagen = NENAGH) for place in Tipperary (NENAGH),
22 Be offended by (MIND) university worker (university lecturer below professor = READER) (MIND READER) – the one conscious of the thought process (MIND READER),
24 Meander away from name-dropper (‘meander’ away from ‘name dropper’ = ropp = PROP) – the one from the abbey (The Abbey Theatre stage PROP),
25 In retrospect (= reversal indicator), made tracks (ran = NAR-) with artist (-RA-) and tenor (-T-) or (-OR) (NARRATOR) with one of those doing voice-over (NARRATOR),
26 Deny (NEGATE) special (= anagram indicator) agent (agent = NEGAT-) is going to Spain (-E) (NEGATE).
1 Catalogues (ORDERS) what’s found at the end of 13 down (‘take orders’ = ORDERS),
2 Profits (TAKE) from opening 13 down (opening ‘take orders’ = TAKE),
3 In a redeeming way, profits (CASHES IN) as college (C-) in hot spot, remains (hot spot remains = -ASHES) popular (IN) (CASHES IN),
4 Mark (exam mark = FAIR) and Cliona from California (‘Cliona’ from ‘California’ = afri = FAIR),
5 Note (music note A-) to police (-CID-) in charge (-IC) (ACIDIC) is very bitter (ACIDIC),
6 Rejected (TURNED DOWN) twist (TURN-) by writer (-ED-) in Ireland (-DOWN) (TURNED DOWN),
7 Old Bob (old bob = shilling = S-) Drumm (Drumm) said (= homophone indicator) (‘drumm’ = ‘drum’ = -TUB-) it was delivered (-BORN) (STUBBORN) by pig-headed type (STUBBORN),
13 What you might have to do in a private capacity (private in an army might have to TAKE ORDERS) to become a father? (to become a father/priest take holy orders / TAKE ORDERS),
14 Was exposed pretending to be someone else (BLOWN) producing local drugs (BLOW-) and narcotics for the head (‘Narcotics’ for the head = -N) (BLOWN),
16 Old (O-) European capital (Latvia capital = Riga = -RIG-A) overlooking popular (-IN-) lake (-L) (ORIGINAL) that’s untouched (ORIGINAL),
17 Stand up to (CONFRONT) criminal (CON-) type (font type = -F-ONT) over arithmetic (from the 3Rs = -R-)(CONFRONT),
19 Worries about (SWEATS) what all the politicians want (seats = S-EATS) around Waterford (-W-) (SWEATS),
21 Spirits (GHOSTS) of great (G-) party leaders (-HOSTS) (GHOSTS),
23 Have the effrontery (DARE) to serve up (= reversal indicator) bit of horseradish (bit of ‘horsERADish’ = erad = DARE),
24 Call (PAGE) is of interest to 22 across in the end (PAGE is of interest to ‘reader’ in ‘mind reader’).