1 Local chipper (FRESH) with handy program (APP-) for fish (-ROACH) (FRESH APPROACH) offers a new way of doing business (FRESH APPROACH),
10 Greene (Green) novel (= anagram indicator) (Greene = RE-ENGE) about opposing (versus = -V-) (REVENGE) retaliation (REVENGE),
11 Glow (GLIMMER) from general (G-) manager (-M-) in Green (‘lime’ = -LIM-E-) Room from the start (‘Room’ from the start = -R) (GLIMMER),
12 Sounds like (= homophone indicator) the craic (‘craic’ = ‘crack’ = SHOT) coming out of the bar (SHOT drink),
13 Playful swimmer (OTTER) loses head (p) with ceramicist (‘potter’ without ‘p’ = OTTER),
15 Jumble (MESS) of characters in Henry James’ Sacred Fount (characters in ‘henry jaMES Sacred fount’ = MESS),
17 Sample of smorgasbord (sample of ‘smorGASbord’ = gas) served up (= reversal indicator) (gas = SAG) with dip (SAG),
19 Runs daily (EDITOR) and rides out without us (‘rides out’ without ‘us’ = rideot = EDITOR),
21 Molly Malone, for one (Dub), in around about way (= reversal indicator) (Dub = BUD-) had (had) problem (= anagram indicator) (had = -DHA) (BUDDHA) with religious leader (BUDDHA),
22 Reviews (= reversal indicator) music (rap = PAR-) with a (-A-) short (o) solo (‘solo’ without ‘o’ = -SOL) (PARASOL) by shady type covering, for instance, The Beach Boys (PARASOL),
23 One (I-) offer at the auction (-BID-) for half the object (half the ‘itEM’ = -EM) (IBIDEM) in the same place (IBIDEM),
25 Manual (manual) work (= anagram indicator) (manual = ALUMNA) for female graduate (ALUMNA),
27 Included divorce lawyer (included ‘divorcE LAwyer’ = ela) back (= reversal indicator) (ela = ALE) at The Bar (ALE),
29 Windy type (EDDY) of U-turns from understudy (‘U-turns’ from ‘understudy’ = dedy = EDDY),
30 Just picked (FRESH) on all sides today (FRESH on all sides of today’s grid),
31 Content to square accounts (content to ‘squARE Accounts’ = AREA) in the neighbourhood (AREA),
34 The first comic (the first ‘Comic’ = C-) with duck (-O-), mystery man (-X-) and rake? (-COMB) (COXCOMB) The Dandy! (COXCOMB),
35 Manipulate (RIG-) in ground (= anagram indicator), soil (soil = OIL -S) (OIL RIGS) and boring offshore workplaces (OIL RIGS),
36 Wake up (FRESHEN) most of them (most of ‘them’ = THE) with melody (AIR) (FRESHEN THE AIR) to blow away the cobwebs (FRESHEN THE AIR).
2 Dishy type of Italian (RAVIOLI) artist (RA-) on endless (n) fiddle (violin’ without ‘n’ = -VIOLI) (RAVIOLI),
3 Sounds like (= homophone indicator) delivery of mail (delivery of ‘mail’ = ‘male’ = SON-) from Government (-G) (SONG) in record number (SONG),
4 Gladstone got rid of old (‘Gladstone’ got rid of ‘old’ = gastne = AGENTS) spies (AGENTS),
5 Long John Silver (PEG LEG) was taught in Irish schools (Peig) reportedly (= homophone indicator) (‘Peig’ = ‘peg’ = PEG) at one stage (LEG) (PEG LEG),
6 State (OHIO) of river in America (OHIO),
7 Pay tribute to (COMMEND) master (-M-) workers (-MEN-) taken in by local joke (cod = CO-D) (COMMEND),
8 Novel (FRESH) writer (ed) hauled up (= reversal indicator) (ed = -DE-) in Venice (Venice) tour (= anagram indicator) (Venice = EVI-NCE) (FRESH EVIDENCE) provides reason to reopen the case (FRESH EVIDENCE),
9 Wide awake (FRESH AS A DAISY) like Burdock’s relation brimful of energy (Burdocks relation = daisy / FRESH AS A DAISY),
14 Briefly (s) show someone the door (‘axe’ without ‘e’ = -AX-) surrounded by furniture (table = T-ABLE) (TAXABLE) that’s of interest to Revenue (TAXABLE),
16 Bashful companion says nothing (DOPEY, who says nothing, is companion of Bashful in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) to fool (DOPE-) with ponytail (‘ponY’ tail = -Y) (DOPEY),
18 Badger (badger/harass = BULLY) one of those from The Vatican (Papal BULL-) with final mystery (final ‘mysterY’ = Y) (BULLY),
20 Jam (RAM) picked up (= reversal indicator) in supermarket (in ‘superMARket’ = mar = RAM),
21 Scarf (BOA) produced by most of those in 32 down (most of ‘boas’ = BOA),
24 Compiler of sorts? (INDEXER) That’s one for the books! (INDEXER),
26 Drink (MARTINI) to songbird (MARTIN-) on single (-I) (MARTINI),
27 Biblical story (parable) that needs no introduction (p) (‘parable’ without ‘p’ = ARABLE) is tailor-made for The Ploughing (ARABLE land),
28 Guard (ESCORT) in operative’s Cortina (in ‘operativES CORTina’ = ESCORT)
32 Snaky types (BOAS) of bard from Barbados (‘bard’ from ‘Barbados’ = baos = BOAS),
33 Blackthorn (SLOE) in park (p) off hill (‘slope’ without ‘p’= SLOE).