8 Bookmaker’s handiwork (book / VOLUME) is raised on the radio (VOLUME),
9 Play (SHOW-) with Moor (Moor = -ROOM) (SHOWROOM) rejects (= reversal indicator) this is making an exhibition of The Business (SHOWROOM),
10 Foundation (BASE) embraced by suburb as expected (embraced by ‘suburB AS Expected’ = base = BASE),
11 Idea (IMPRESSION) lost (= anagram indicator) in promises (in promises = IMPRESSION),
12 It’s fairly (half of) beneficial (good) (half of ‘GOod’ = GO-) to scratch (= anagram indicator) itch (itch = -THIC) (GOTHIC) of a type that’s an alternative to Trump on paper (‘trump gothic font’ type / typeface = GOTHIC),
14 A (A-) place in Italy for the locals (-ROMA-) – it (it) is around (= reverse indicator) (it = -TI-) Calabrian capital (‘Calabrian’ capital = -C) (AROMATIC) with a fragrant disposition (AROMATIC),
15 Keeps an eye on finance, for one (CABINET MINISTER), for what carpenter put together (CABINET) in the church (MINISTER) (CABINET MINISTER),
18 Free admission (PASS-) to harbour (-PORT) (PASSPORT) for one going overseas (PASSPORT),
20 Understand missing nuns (‘understand’ missing ‘nuns’ = dertad = DARTED) moved quickly (DARTED),
22 Do it fine in (do it fine in = DEFINITION) sporty (= anagram indicator) Focus (DEFINITION),
24 Be repelled by (HATE) the extremes of hazardous waste (the extremes of ‘HAzardous wasTE’ = HATE),
25 Life for instance (life SENTENCE), written by biographer, for example (SENTENCE),
26 Hard (H-) to remove extreme (d) grime (‘dirt’ without ‘d’ = -IRT-) in boat (SS = S-S) (SHIRTS) at the bottom of 13 down (‘at the bottom of ‘hair shirts’ = SHIRTS).
1 Drugs (POT-) for old Roman (Cato) off the head (c) (‘Cato’without ‘c’ = -ATO) (POTATO) with Spud (POTATO),
2 Has nothing on (NUDE) a fair amount of (half of) those in 17 down (half of ‘NUDEness’ = NUDE),
3 Run-of-the-mill (MEDIOCRE) doctor (MEDI-C-) admits it’s going around (-O-) and going about (-RE) (MEDIOCRE),
4 Terence gets out of Eastern Cape (‘Terence’ gets out of ‘Eastern Cape’ = asap = ASAP) before you can say Jack Robinson (ASAP),
5 Short jacket (BOLERO) in trunk (tree trunk = BOLE-) at end of corridor (end of ‘ corridoR’ = -R-) is old (-O) (BOLERO),
6 Begs forgiveness (sinner / TRESPASSER) for what Alsatian in the security business is looking for (TRESPASSER),
7 Take over (COLONISE) job centre (‘job’ centre = -O-) in close (in close) settlement (= anagram indicator) (in close = COL-NISE) (COLONISE),
13 They make an uncomfortable fit for some apologising (HAIR SHIRTS) in 24 down (‘hair’ = HAIR) for the ones the risktakers lost (risktakers/gamblers lose their ‘shirts’ = SHIRTS) (HAIR SHIRTS),
14 Come clean (ADMIT) in review (= reversal indicator) belonging to victim? Dangerous! (belonging to ‘vicTIM DAngerous’ = timda = ADMIT),
16 Came to one’s senses (AWAKENED) and is not out (AWAKE-) with new (-N-) journalist (-ED) (AWAKENED),
17 Model (= anagram indicator) needs Sun (needs sun = NUDENESS) for full exposure (NUDENESS),
19 Remove pig from poisoning (remove ‘pig’ from ‘poisoning’ = osonin = ONIONS) a number of the vegetables (ONIONS),
21 Is this all that’s left, of late (ESTATE), for middlemen (middle ‘mEn’ = E-) in America (-STATE) (ESTATE),
23 Couple (ITEM) of herd taken from Meredith (‘herd’ taken from ‘Meredith’ = meit = ITEM),
24 Some stealth aircraft (some ‘stealtH AIRcraft’ = HAIR) bound to get clipped (HAIR),