1 Shine (GLOW) alongside (WITH) The Lions (PRIDE) (GLOW WITH PRIDE) and enjoy what it does to your self-esteem (GLOW WITH PRIDE),
10 Works in book store, perhaps (book store/library = lends = LE-NDS) taking in, for example (e.g. = -EG-) (LEGENDS), what mythical writers produced (LEGENDS),
11 Uprooting (REMOVAL) of radiation (ionizing radiation = REM-) found on cricket pitch (-OVAL) (REMOVAL),
12 Mental acuity (WITS) and limits to William Butler Yeats (limits to ‘WIlliam Butler YeaTS’ = WITS),
13 Drugs (E-) – blow (blow), crack (= anagram indicator) (blow = LBOW) (ELBOW) or joint? (joint = ELBOW joint),
15 Bit of spark (GLOW) from all sides today (GLOW on all sides of today’s grid),
17 Type of salt (TAR) consumed by vegetarians (consumed by ‘vegeTARians’ = TAR),
19 It’s par for the course (NORM-) for the greatest (Ali) – bar one (1 = ‘i’) (‘Ali’ without ‘i’ = -AL) (NORMAL) as usual (NORMAL),
21 Won (W-ON) over English (-E-) press organisation (Associated Press = -AP-) (WEAPON) with one piece (WEAPON),
22 Brave (WARRIOR) reading (from the 3Rs = -R-) and writing (from the 3Rs = -R-) in Iowa (Iowa = WA-IO-) travelling (= anagram indicator) by river (-R) (WARRIOR),
23 Could start (‘Could’ start = C-) in Croke Park (-HILL-) at the end of July (end of ‘julY’ = -Y) (CHILLY) in friendly? No, it’s the opposite! (CHILLY),
25 Reconnect a refrigerator inside (‘reconNECT A Refrigerator’ inside = NECTAR) for the honey producers to collect (NECTAR),
27 Visualise (SEE) fabric from briefcase (‘fabric’ from ‘briefcase’ = ese = SEE),
29 Part of the complexity (part of the “complEXITy” = EXIT) is way out (EXIT),
30 Transfer art out (‘transfer’ minus ‘art’ = nsfer = FERNS) of place in Wexford (FERNS),
31 Sheds light on desk (LAMP) picked up (= reversal indicator) in strip mall (in ‘striP MALl’ = pmal = LAMP),
34 Those on the board (KNIGHTS on chess board) close to The Bishops (KNIGHTS close to bishops on chess board),
35 Type responsible for illegal takeaway (BURGLAR) serves up (= reversal indicator) local food (grub = BURG-) with the foreign (the = -LA-) raw starter (‘Raw’ starter = -R) (BURGLAR),
36 Begins to get lazy out (begins to ‘Get Lazy Out’ = GLO-) on rugby pitch (-WING)? Those in club (members) lose the head (m) (‘members’ without ‘m’ = EMBERS) (GLOWING EMBERS), as it’s indicative that the fire is going out! (GLOWING EMBERS).
2 Not as heavy (LIGHTER) as a barge (barge/boat = LIGHTER),
3 Wrap (wrap/twist = WIND) or sandwich not needing cash? (‘sandwich’ not needing ‘cash’ = ndwi = WIND),
4 Turn one’s back on (INSULT) sunlit (sunlit) complex (= anagram indicator) (sunlit = INSULT),
5 Little devil (HORROR) from The Bride of Frankenstein, for example (‘Bride of Frankenstein’ = HORROR film),
6 Bottled up (= reversal indicator) in Gustave Moreau’s (in ‘GustavE MOReaus’= emor = ROME) city (ROME),
7 Mature (DEVELOP) blossom? (DEVELOP),
8 Great (G-) Depression’s (depressions/ ows = -LOW- -S) about popular (-IN-) Government (-G) talking back (CHEEK) (GLOWING CHEEKS), highlighting why they’re red in the face? (GLOWING CHEEKS),
9 Beaming (GLOWING) about (RE-) wine (-PORT) (GLOWING REPORT) – what do you expect from an excellent vintage? (GLOWING REPORT),
14 Glass ceiling (BARRIER) in block (BARRIER),
16 Show off washbowls (‘show’ off ‘washbowls’ = BAWLS) produced by The Bellows (bellows/roars = BAWLS),
18 Upset after friend passed (bereft) without tipping fedora (tipping ‘Fedora’ = f) (‘bereft’ without ‘f’ = BERET) hat (BERET),
20 Place (LAY) for fall guy missing Gulf (‘fall guy’ missing ‘gulf’ = aly = LAY),
21 Took gold (WON) in Taekwondo (in ‘TaekWONdo’ = WON),
24 First (INITIAL) unit (I-) from Latin (Latin = -N-TIAL) designed (= anagram indicator) around the start of the Interregnum (start of the ‘Interregnum’ =-I-) (INITIAL),
26 Criminal (= anagram indicator) retrial (retrial = TRAILER) of creepy sort in the plot (trailing plant / TRAILER),
27 Flavour (SEASON) from small (S-) Irish bookseller (-EASON) (SEASON)
28 Authorise (ENABLE) to remove knits from linen basket (remove ‘knits’ from ‘linen basket’ = lenbae = ENABLE),
32 Champ (CHEW), in truth, gets away from witch-hunter (‘in truth’ gets away from ‘witch-hunter’ = CHEW),
33 A typical Saudi (ARAB) or American (A-) setting up (= reversal indicator) public house (bar = -RAB) (ARAB).