8 Foreign spirit (GRAPPA) doctor (G-P-) outside Knock (knock = -RAP-) is anonymous (-A) (GRAPPA),
9 All that remains (SKELETON) of a rough draft, in a writing sense (SKELETON),
10 Showing WHO is missing (‘showing’ ‘who’ is missing/without ‘who’ = sing = SIGN) evidence (SIGN),
11 Shuts me in a (shuts me in = ENTHUSIASM) building (= anagram indicator) with Pep (pep/zest = ENTHUSIASM),
12 Reports (STATES) from America (STATES),
14 A (A-) dodgy (= anagram indicator) crime (crime = -MERIC-) article (-AN) (AMERICAN) from The New Yorker? (AMERICAN),
15 Takes a keen interest in accommodating (BUILDING SOCIETY) an alternative to the bankers (BUILDING SOCIETY),
18 Not (= anagram indicator) sure (sure = USER-) luminary (-NAME) (USERNAME) provided a surfer’s identity (USERNAME),
20 Good-natured (GENTLE) evangelist has no visa (‘evangelist’ has no ‘visa’ = engelt = GENTLE),
22 Overall strategy (MASTER PLAN) of maiden (M-) – a relative of Daisy’s (-ASTER) found on Trim (k) board (‘plank’ without ‘k’ = PLAN) (MASTER PLAN),
24 Set up (set-up = HOAX) housing loans from Halifax banks (“housing loans from Halifax” banks/sides = HOAX),
25 Ration out (ALLOCATE) cook’s (cooks = anagram indicator) local tea (local tea = ALLOCATE),
26 Forenames dispensed with for (‘forenames’ dispensed with ‘for’ = enames = SEAMEN) those on the boat (SEAMEN).
1 Dramatist dismisses mad (‘dramatist’ dismisses ‘mad’ = ratist = ARTIST) creative type in atelier (ARTIST),
2 Frank (OPEN) is in part of Copenhagen (is in part of ‘Copenhagen’ = OPEN),
3 Irrigates (waters = WATER-S-) a fair amount of (half of) Kill (half of ‘Kill’ = -KI) (WATERSKI) for sporty type overseas (WATERSKI),
4 Co-star dropped by Sportscast (‘co-star’ dropped by ‘Sportscast’ = psst = PSST) is the sort of attention grabber that not everyone will catch (PSST),
5 Looking back (= reversal indicator), last insane (last ‘insane’ = -E) surfer (surfer = refrus) has no right (r) (‘refrus’ minus ‘r’ = REFUS-) (REFUSE) to say no (REFUSE),
6 Do it fine in (do it fine in = DEFINITION) sporty (= anagram indicator) Focus (DEFINITION),
7 Cannot (cannot = CON-ANT) move (= anagram indicator) across street (-ST-) (CONSTANT) to stable (CONSTANT),
13 Lack of prejudice (TOLERATION) to (TO-) oriental (oriental = -LERATION) criminal (= anagram indicator) (TOLERATION),
14 Fight over (ARGUE) what’s hidden by unfamiliar guerrillas (ARGUE hidden by ‘unfamiliar guerrillas’),
16 Rocky (UNSTABLE) from a foreign (a = UN-) group of boxers with the same trainer, for instance (-STABLE of boxers) (UNSTABLE),
17 Ignores a (ignores a = ORGANISE) rogue (= anagram indicator) group (ORGANISE),
19 Not removed from rationale (‘not’ removed from ‘rationale’ = raiale = AERIAL) that gives you a better picture (AERIAL),
21 Got out (LEAKED) to escape (LEAK-) working in the newspaper (-ED) (LEAKED),
23 Came up with a whopper (LIED) for deli (deli = LIED) salad (= anagram indicator),
24 Sides of herring instead (sides of ‘herring instead’ = HEAD) of complete salad? (HEAD).