Crosaire No 16841 by Crossheir – Friday, January 4th, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Takes off (MIMICS) around Cos (around ‘Cos’ = -CS) following (= positional indicator) one motorway after another (M1+M1 = MIMI-) (MIMICS),

4 Points to (points to = SPITTOON) problem (= anagram indicator) for the wine tasters getting the taste out of their mouths (SPITTOON),

9 One of the elusive types (DODGER) of character you wouldn’t find in Labour (won’t find in labour/work = DODGER),

10 Crafty types managing (STEWARDS) criminal (= anagram indicator) wasters (wasters = STEWAR-S) around Dublin (-D-) (STEWARDS),


12 Exit terms (exit terms = EXTREMIST) produced (= anagram indicator) by one of those radical types (EXTREMIST),

13 Atheist loses it (‘atheist’ loses ‘it’ = athes = HASTE) in Rush (rush = HASTE),

14 Arrives subsequently (AFTER) following summer in Boston (THE FALL) (AFTER THE FALL) when Adam and Eve had left the garden (AFTER THE FALL),

18 Take all the pieces away (DECOMMISSION) from journalist (ed = DE-) giving up (= reversal indicator) on what the editor gave her (-COMMISSION) (DECOMMISSION),

21 Left (L-) organisation (-UN-) retiring (= reversal indicator), for example (e.g. = -GE) (LUNGE), in spring (LUNGE),

22 Egyptian flower (NILE RIVER /flower) coming up (= reversal indicator) in (in = NI-) the French (the French = -LE) Loire (RIVER) (NILE RIVER),

24 Loud music (forte = F-) by One Direction (-EAST) for a time (DAY) (FEAST DAY) is celebrated by the faithful (FEAST DAY),

25 Writer (pen = P-EN) covering first (-I-) Grand Prix (-GP-) (PIGPEN) in untidy American place (US PIGPEN = pigsty),

26 Status (STANDING) of one of those holding the seats (STAND-) for popular (-IN-) legend (‘leg’ end = -G) (STANDING),

27 Order (DECREE) in residence disregards sin (“residence” disregards “sin” = redece = DECREE).


1 Half of what’s wrong (half of what’s ‘evil’ = -EV-) in The Press (Media = MEDI-A-) is primarily like (primarily ‘like’ = -L) (MEDIEVAL) something out of the dark ages! (MEDIEVAL),

2 Think deeply about (MEDITATE) news outlets (media = MEDI-A-) covering Troy (-T-) Lawrence (TE Lawrence = -TE) (MEDITATE),

3 Creatives don’t get visa (‘creatives’ don’t get ‘visa’ = crete = CRETE) for Mediterranean island (CRETE),

5 Queen’s (queens = POTATO) blood relations (FAMILY) (POTATO FAMILY) could be held responsible for The Famine (POTATO FAMILY),

6 Local government spaces (TOWN HALLS) with room for the concert (HALL-) in large villages (TOWN -S) (TOWN HALLS),

7 Aggressor loses rag (“aggressor” loses “rag” = gessor = OGRESS) with monstrous female (OGRESS),

8 Nero is (Nero is = NOSIER) wildly (= anagram indicator) more intrusive than anyone else (NOSIER),

11 Doped up (HIGH) on wrong (= anagram indicator) amount in (amount in = MOUNTAIN) (HIGH MOUNTAIN) part of the Himalayas (HIGH MOUNTAIN),

15 Part of movie (RE-EL-) on old community (European Community = -EC-) following rock ‘n’ roll (Teddy Boy = -TED) (RE-ELECTED) is returned to the house (RE-ELECTED),

16 Television (TV = -T V-) unit (-I-) consumed by musician (piper = PI- -PER) (PIT VIPER) – the one spitting venom at the snake charmer (PIT VIPER),

17 Lobby (lobby/way in = ENTRANCE) writer (pen) heading off (p) (“pen” without “p” = EN-) from state down under perhaps? (-TRANCE) (ENTRANCE),

19 Bluffs (CLIFFS) a fair amount of (half of) the organisation? (half of ‘club’ = CL-) In that case (-IF-) political party (Sinn Féin = SF = -FS) does a U-turn! (= reversal indicator) (CLIFFS),

20 American (Yank) loses the head (y) (‘yank’ without ‘y’ = ANK-) with a (-A-) trim (y) swimmer (‘ray’ without ‘y’ = -RA) (ANKARA) from European capital (ANKARA),

23 Lift (RAISE) is (-IS-) in the middle of elevated (= reversal indicator) space for The Hearing (ear = RA-E) (RAISE).