1 Make tracks (DEPART) for Playback (= reversal indicator) taped (taped = DEPA-T) around end of December (end of ‘December’ = -R-) (DEPART),
4 Bed (-COT-) is large (-L-) in ocean liner (ocean liner = S-AND) (SCOTLAND) produced in the UK (SCOTLAND),
9 Goldsmith outside of Trinity, for example (STATUE of Oliver Goldsmith outside of Trinity) (STATUE), to speak (STAT-E) about Union (-U-) (STATUE),
10 Popular (IN-) director (-D-) consumed by vain (vain = -VA-IN-) legend (‘leg’ end = -G) (INVADING) is coming across as an aggressor (INVADING),
12 Seen cider (seen cider = RESIDENCE) drunk (= anagram indicator) in The House (RESIDENCE),
13 Taste (SENSE) sample of delicatessen seasonings (sample of “delicatessen seasonings” = SENSE),
18 Captain of industry (MANUFACTURER) makes things up (MANUFACTURER),
21 Incomplete (p) travel aid (‘map’ without ‘p’ = MA-) for the foreign (the = -LES) (MALES) drones (bees/drones = MALES),
22 Car (model T-) for Frenchman (Monsieur = -M-) in Berlin (Berlin = RE-BLIN-) travelling (= anagram indicator) at midnight (mid ‘night’ = -G) (TREMBLING) in a state of anxiety (TREMBLING),
24 Presumably is never out of bounds (KANGAROO is never out of bounds/leaps) in unofficial court (KANGAROO court),
25 One of The Young Ones (kid) loses the head (k) (‘kid’ without ‘k’ = -ID-) in local sleazy bar (dive = DIV-E) (DIVIDE) in Split (DIVIDE),
26 Veg out (REST) with a piece of cake (EASY) (REST EASY) to chill (REST EASY),
27 Puts on (STAGES) gates (gates = STAGE-) roughly (= anagram indicator) at school (-S) (STAGES).
1 Precinct (DISTRICT) detective (DI-) is uncompromising (-STRICT) (DISTRICT),
2 Expressing approval (PRAISING) for aspiring (aspiring = PRAISING) model (= anagram indicator),
3 Get this from the bar (ROUND) for the swingers before the 19th hole presumably (ROUND of golf),
5 Pay attention to (CONCENTRATE-) The Last Word (the last ‘word’ = -D) (CONCENTRATED) – it’s the epitome of deep thought (CONCENTRATED),
6 Vehicle (TRANSPORT) for first team (first ‘team’ = T-) managed (-RAN-) by school head (‘school’ head = -S-) from coastal city (-PORT) (TRANSPORT),
7 American (A-) lines (lines = -LIENS) out (= anagram indicator) (ALIENS) with foreigners (ALIENS),
8 Piece of countryside greenbelt (piece of “countryside greenbelt” = DEGREE) comes with a qualification (DEGREE),
15 Took care of business (-RAN-) in latest (latest = T-SLATE) (TRANSLATE) mess? (= anagram indicator) Give me that in plain English! (TRANSLATE),
16 Losing (TRAILING) time (T-) sitting on the fence (-RAILING) (TRAILING),
17 Condemned (= anagram indicator) groper (groper = PROGRE-) on ship (-SS) (PROGRESS) – that’s a breakthrough (PROGRESS),
19 Lights up (SMOKER) small- (S-) -to-medium (-M-) game (poker) that needs no introduction (p) (‘poker’ without ‘p’ = -OKER) (SMOKER),
20 With these types of vacancies to fill (BLANKS), firing them will achieve nothing (firing BLANKS),
23 It’s established (BUILT), publicist released pics (‘publicist’ released ‘pics’ = ublit = BUILT).