Crosaire No 16706 by Crossheir – Friday, July 27th, 2018

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Batch (BUNDLE) sold by baker (BUN-) starting off (i) between jobs (‘idle’ without ‘i’ = -DLE) (BUNDLE),

9 Atmosphere (AMBIENCE) produced by doctor (-MB-) and nice (nice = -IENC-) orderly (= anagram indicator) in Accident & Emergency (A-E) (AMBIENCE),

10 Limits Ménière’s syndrome (limits/sides “Ménière’s syndrome” = MEME) going viral (MEME).


11 Film industry worker (EXTRA-) takes legal proceedings having lost the lead (‘action’ = -CTION) (EXTRACTION) in Roots, in the original sense (EXTRACTION),

12 Dilettante leaves industrial estate (‘dilettante’ leaves ‘industrial estate’ = usrisa = RUSSIA) in Eastern Europe (RUSSIA),

14 Criticises (CONDEMNS) criminal (CON-) study (-DE-N-) covering 1000 (-M-) starting sentence (starting ‘sentence’ = -S) (CONDEMNS),

15 Leak (“leak” = ‘leek’ = VEGETABLE) report of (= homophone indicator) remarkable (= anagram indicator) danger (danger = GARDEN) (VEGETABLE GARDEN) in Spud’s patch (VEGETABLE GARDEN),

18 Nearly (n) overwhelm (‘stun’ without ‘n’ = STU-) with jobs in body shops (-DENTS) (STUDENTS) for potential school leavers (STUDENTS),

20 How can you think highly of (ADMIRE) a (A-) department (-D-) that’s bog standard? (-MIRE) (ADMIRE),

22 A French (a = UN-) and Finnish (“Finnish” = “finish” = FINISH-) report (= homophone indicator) by writer (-ED) (UNFINISHED) of The Castle, the famous Kafkaesque one, in a literary sense (UNFINISHED),

24 Adore (LOVE) what’s in Monte Carlo venue (what’s in ‘Monte Carlo venue’ = LOVE),

25 Does a job (DELIVERS) designing (= anagram indicator) red veils (red veils = DELIVERS),

26 Department (D-) finds E-Coli (E-Coli  = -OCILE) variety (= anagram indicator) (DOCILE) is passive (DOCILE).


1 Foreign office (BUREAU) is often up against the wall (dresser/chest = BUREAU),

2 Part of splendid lecture (part of ‘splendid lecture’ = IDLE) doesn’t work (IDLE),

3 Lost (= anagram indicator) a dreamer (a dreamer = DEMERARA)? Sugar! (DEMERARA sugar),

4 Internee comes out of Internet café (‘internee’ comes out of ‘internet café’ = tcaf = FACT) and that’s the reality of it (FACT),

5 Get hold of (OBTAIN) criminal (= anagram indicator) in boat (in boat = OBTAIN),

6 Lets off steam (KETTLE) at department (D-) – that’s the spirit (-RUM) (KETTLEDRUM) you might play with when you’re down in the pits (KETTLEDRUM / orchestra pit),

7 Beg (SCROUNGE) barman (Senior Counsel = SC-) for something to add a bit of colour to cheeks (-ROU-GE) around mid morning (mid ‘morning’ = -N-) (SCROUNGE),

13 Maximum going rate (SPEED LIMIT) for drugs (SPEED) arrest (LIMIT) (SPEED LIMIT),

14 Names (CALLS) everyone (-ALL-) in Lewis? (CS Lewis = C-S) (CALLS),

16 Held out (EXTENDED) for old partner (EX-) to get time (-T-) when it’s all over (-ENDED) (EXTENDED),

17 Money (GRAND-) in a number of families (-DADS) (GRANDDADS) provided by senior clan members (GRANDDADS),

19 Tennis shoe missing? Then (‘tennis shoe’ missing ‘then’ = nissoe = NOISES), rackets! (NOISES),

21 Sweetheart (lover = REVOL-) reverses (= reversal indicator) car (model T = -T) (REVOLT) in disgust (REVOLT),

23 Put on (HOST) old substitute initially (‘old substitute’ initially = -OS-) during interval (half-time = H-T) (HOST),

24 Run one’s eyes over (“look” = “LUCK”) report (= homophone indicator) into what’s prevalent in the betting industry (LUCK).