1 Speculates (POSITS) symphonist fails to get hymn (‘symphonist’ fails to get ‘hymn’ = spoist = POSITS),
4 Small (S-) problem of sensitivity for the princess (-PEA- from The Princess and The Pea) in the palace (-KING) (SPEAKING) doing the talking (SPEAKING),
9 Sounds like (= homophone indicator) something on the car (“a tyre” = “ATTIRE”) is worn out (ATTIRE),
10 It’s nothing to do with The Courts – local unhappy type (LOVE SICK) (LOVESICK) is really missing one’s partner (LOVESICK),
12 Arrange (= anagram indicator) USA routes (USA routes = TROUSSEAU) and gather paraphernalia for married life (TROUSSEAU),
13 Step away from protestor (‘step’ away from ‘protestor’ = rotor = ROTOR) moving about the wind farm (ROTOR on wind turbine),
14 Senor (MAN) Alberta (AB-) on holiday (-OUT) Urbanisation (TOWN) (MAN ABOUT TOWN) with socialite (MAN ABOUT TOWN),
18 Person gets stolen goods (RECEIVER-) to despatch (-SHIP) (RECEIVERSHIP) from business under court protection (RECEIVERSHIP),
21 What’s the alternative (OTHER) to relative (mother) losing the head? (m) (‘mother’ without ‘m’ = OTHER),
22 Give the official go-ahead (AUTHORISE) to build (= anagram indicator) arthouse (arthouse = AUTHOR-SE) over institute (-I-) (AUTHORISE),
24 Famous (HISTORIC) wild (= anagram indicator) ostrich (ostrich = HISTOR-C) roaming island (-I-) (HISTORIC),
25 Broadcasted (BEAMED) support (support/rafter = BEAM-) for writer (-ED) (BEAMED),
26 Stand up to someone (CROSS- someone) in (-IN-) Government (-G) (CROSSING) for what’s happening on the border (CROSSING),
27 Doesn’t (doesn’t = STONED) change (= anagram indicator) the effect of drugs (STONED).
1 Period in the abbey (period in The Abbey = PLAY TIME) is a diversion for the children after school (PLAYTIME),
2 At a crucial moment it’s announced in The Court (tennis SET POINT), part of the movie (movie SET) is on location (POINT) (SET POINT),
3 Turns up (= reversal indicator) group (set = TE-S) holds onto address (Mr = -RM-) (TERMS) – it comes with conditions (TERMS and conditions),
5 It’s a measure of how hard people are working (PRODUCTIVITY) and it’s bound to be an issue for the union (PRODUCTIVITY),
6 Convertible (= anagram indicator) wee barrel (wee barrel = ALE BREWER) is good for a regular supply of beer (ALE BREWER),
7 Fools (IDIOTS) turn up (= reversal indicator) almost (c) saint-like (‘stoic’ without ‘c’ = stoi = -IOTS) meeting detective (DI = ID-) (IDIOTS),
8 Gee! (G-) Agreed (okay = -O K-) crafty activity (-ART) (GO-KART) appeals to the boy-racer (GO-KART),
11 It’s about (RE-) securing new (= anagram indicator) menu (menu = - MUNE -) with the minimum of food and drink (-RATION) (REMUNERATION) and getting employer to pay for it (REMUNERATION),
15 Soup producers (BEETROOTS), honey producer (BEE-) and tea (-T-) plant producers? (-ROOTS) (BEETROOTS),
16 Board member (CHAIRMAN) from Switzerland (CH-) is on the plane (-AIRMAN) (CHAIRMAN),
17 Magnificent (SPLENDID) small (S-) place (-PL-) to finish (-END-) papers (-ID) (SPLENDID),
19 Leave (GO-) most of (e) The (‘the’ without ‘e’= -TH-) Independent (-I-) copy heading (‘copy’ heading = -C) (GOTHIC) in old language (GOTHIC),
20 Ship factory has no craft (‘ship factory’ has no ‘ craft’ = shipoy = PHYSIO) job for a hands-on type of person (PHYSIO),
23 Is out there (OVERT) to lift lid (c) off secret (‘covert’ without ‘c’ = OVERT).