8 Long-haired type from America (south-American mammal / ALPACA) produces Greek starter (first Greek letter = Alpha) without hot (h) (“Alpha” without “h”= ALPA-) preserve (can) that’s not finished (n) (“can” without “n” = -CA) (ALPACA),
9 As a rule (NORMALLY), Molly ran (Molly ran = NORMALLY) Review (= anagram indicator),
10 Have one’s heart set on (ENVY) responsively releasing spoilers (“responsively” releasing “spoilers” = envy = ENVY),
11 Tests the quality of the blow (ANEMOMETER) and the speed for Gayle (Gayle) we hear (= homophone indicator) (speed for “Gayle” = “gale” / wind = ANEMOMETER),
12 Local diamonds (“diamonds” locally = ICE) sourced from China originally (TEA) (ICE TEA) by cool type during the summer (ICE TEA),
14 Salvages (salvages = LAS VEGAS) settlement (= anagram indicator) for those gambling with their capital (LAS VEGAS),
15 Regular political opponent (SPARRING PARTNER) throws digs at challenger before the Ring engagement (SPARRING PARTNER),
18 Sensitive type (DETECTOR) is alarmingly looking for drugs perhaps (DETECTOR),
20 Absolutely not (NO-WAY) about writing (from the 3Rs = -R-) (NORWAY) from the country (NORWAY),
22 For those paying for their crimes perhaps (DIRTY MONEY) with filthy lucre (DIRTY MONEY),
24 Complain regardless of moan (“complain” regardless of/without “moan” = cpli = CLIP) from Hook (CLIP),
25 It’s about (RE-) coming out of school (-MASTER) (REMASTER) with the ability to make better records (REMASTER),
26 University (U-) in Tonga (Tonga = NO-GAT) designed (= anagram indicator) (NOUGAT) by nutty, sweet type (NOUGAT).
1 College (C -) bar (line) briefly (e) (“line” without “e” = -LIN-) opens in Cork (opens in Cork = -IC) (CLINIC) for those looking for a cure perhaps (CLINIC),
2 Young man (LAD-) to finally marry (finally “marry” = -Y) (LADY) duke’s daughter (LADY),
3 Still (CAL-M-) swallowing a (-A-) fair amount of (half of) Qatari (half of “Qatari” = -ARI) (CALAMARI) fish dish (CALAMARI),
4 A single time (ONCE) in prison cells (in “prison cells” = ONCE),
5 In retrospect (= reversal indicator), there’s nothing (-O-) in completive games (sport = TRO-PS) (TROOPS) for boy-scout groups (TROOPS),
6 Temp (PACE-) compiling crosswords (-SETTER) (PACESETTER) is on a bit of a run and can help set new standards (PACESETTER),
7 Unfamiliar type (ALIEN-) knocks over (= anagram indicator) tea (tea = -ATE) (ALIENATE) to sow dissention (ALIENATE),
13 Hill (TOR-) 16 (16) fairly (half of “16” = -I-) covered by cost of lease (-RENT-AL) (TORRENTIAL) that’s coming down rapidly (TORRENTIAL),
14 Elgar (Elgar = LAGER) composed (= anagram indicator) draft that had to be pulled (LAGER),
16 Building (PREMISES) proposition (PREMISE-) at school (-S) (PREMISES),
17 Woman (ANN-) loses the head (t) toying (toying) (“toying” without “t” = -OYING) (ANNOYING) with irritating type (ANNOYING),
19 Doesn’t put off (TEMPTS) casual worker (TEMP-) going up (= reversal indicator) road (street = St = -TS) (TEMPTS),
21 A Milan (A Milan = ANIMAL) butcher (= anagram indicator) provides food for the meat eaters (ANIMAL),
23 Leads – naturally occurring radioactive materials (leads/first letters of naturally occurring radioactive materials = NORM) that can be average (NORM),
24 What the FBI is looking for (CLUE) borders on the Clintonesque (borders on the “Clintonesque” = CLUE).