Teen accused of shoplifting in Dublin Dealz store awarded €6,000 in damages

Judge approves offer of damages for defamation in case taken by Leon Sheridan over 2022 incident in Clarehall Shopping Centre

Dealz proffered an apology for the incident and offered a sum of €6,000 in damages for defamation, the Circuit Civil Court heard. Photograph: Dealz
Dealz proffered an apology for the incident and offered a sum of €6,000 in damages for defamation, the Circuit Civil Court heard. Photograph: Dealz

A judge has approved a damages settlement for a 14-year-old boy who was accused of shoplifting sweets in a north Dublin Dealz store.

Judge Jennifer O’Brien heard in the Circuit Civil court that Leon Sheridan was shopping with his mother in the Dealz outlet in the Clarehall Shopping Centre, Malahide on September 7th, 2022 when a security guard allegedly approached and accused him of stealing sweets from a nearby display.

Barrister Peter Maguire, who appeared with Thomas Loomes Solicitors, told Judge O’Brien that the security guard told Leon to empty his pockets or An Garda Síochána would be called.

Leon sued through his mother, Erica Sheridan, of Buttercup Gardens, Darndale, Dublin 17, who alleged that the security guard made the accusations publicly and could be overheard by nearby customers.


Mr Maguire said Leon was physically searched by the guard. He and his mother were then taken to the store’s office and detained for 10 minutes before being allowed to leave.

The court was told that Leon found the situation distressing and had to be comforted by his mother after exiting the store.

Dealz, he said, had proffered an apology for the incident and offered a sum of €6,000 in damages for defamation.

Judge O’Brien approved the settlement.