Man accused of attacking wife with boiling water and hammer refused bail

Gardaí allege Noel Twomey (63) had bloodstained hammer in a plastic bag when he flagged down patrol car after incident

Noel Twomey is charged at Cork District Court with two counts of assault causing harm to Jackie Twomey at their home on January 15th last. Photograph Barry Roche
Noel Twomey is charged at Cork District Court with two counts of assault causing harm to Jackie Twomey at their home on January 15th last. Photograph Barry Roche

A man accused of attacking his wife with boiling water and a claw-hammer while she slept has been refused bail in the High Court.

Cork District Court heard that Noel Twomey, of Carbery Grove, Knocknaheeny, was arrested in Cork last month after he flagged down a Garda car. It was claimed that he was soaked in his wife’s blood and carrying a bloodstained hammer in a plastic bag at the time.

Mr Twomey is charged with two counts of assault causing harm to Jackie Twomey at their home on January 15th last. Gardaí previously objected to bail in the case given the gravity of the alleged offence.

Shane Collins Daly, solicitor for Mr Twomey, told the court on Tuesday that his client had unsuccessfully applied for bail in the High Court last week and is anxious that the matter be dealt with quickly.


Judge Mary Dorgan adjourned the case for two weeks as directions from the Director of Public Prosecutions are still awaited.

The court previously heard that Mr Twomey was arrested at 5am on January 15th last at Bakers Road in Gurranabraher.

It is alleged that his wife returned from a night out and went to bed. Mr Twomey decided to boil a pot of water and retrieve a claw hammer from a tool box. He then paced around the flat for a time before entering the bedroom where Ms Twomey was sleeping and pouring the water over her and attacking her with the hammer.

The court heard the accused showed no remorse for his actions and never inquired about his wife’s condition. The couple have been married for almost 40 years. Ms Twomey was treated in intensive care following the incident.

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