Father accused of child neglect after infant allegedly abandoned in car

The accused, who is in his 30s, appears at Dublin District Court

Pic shows: Court 13 at the CCJ in Dublin where the trial of Graham Dwyer who has pleaded NOT guilty to the murder Elaine O'Hara has opened, Thursday 22-01-2015.
Pic: Collins Courts.
Visibly upset, the defendant sat silently on the defendant’s bench at Dublin District Court on Monday. Photograph: Collins Courts.

A father charged with child neglect after his infant daughter was allegedly found abandoned in a car for 10 hours in Dublin at the weekend has been remanded on bail pending directions from the Director of Public Prosecutions.

A man raised the alarm at Clondalkin Garda station at about 2am on Saturday, resulting in a major Garda operation. The baby girl was found safe and well at about 4am, taken to Temple Street Children’s Hospital and given the all-clear.

The accused, who is in his 30s and cannot be identified due to reporting restrictions, is charged with an offence under section 246 of the Children Act. He appeared at Dublin District Court on Monday.

It is alleged he assaulted, neglected, ill-treated or abandoned a child in a manner likely to cause suffering injury from Friday to Saturday in west Dublin.


Visibly upset, he sat silently on the defendant’s bench and has yet to enter a plea.

Detective Garda Cian Logan told Judge Treasa Kelly the accused was charged at Clondalkin Garda station on Sunday afternoon. He was handed a copy of the charge sheet and “made no reply to charge after caution”.

The detective confirmed he had no objection to bail subject to conditions imposed.

A file is to be prepared for the DPP in relation to possible further charges.

Defence solicitor Cian McCann said there was “consent to as long a remand as reasonably possible”. There was no application for legal aid by his client at this stage.

Judge Kelly ordered the man to reside at his current address, provide gardaí with a contact number within 48 hours, “be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week”, and sign on at his local garda station once a week.

He is due to appear again at Blanchardstown District Court on a date in January.