The landlord of a Dublin garage, in which gardaí uncovered about €2 million worth of cocaine, is seeking repossession of the premises against one of three men who, with a woman, are already charged with having the drugs for sale or supply.
Barrister Caitríona Cannon, counsel for landlord Gerry Fahy, has told the County Registrar’s Court her client was also seeking judgment in default of defence for unpaid rent and rates amounting to more than €30,000 against Wesley Shields
Mr Shields, (33) with an address at Kilmartin Gardens, Tallaght, Dublin, has already appeared in the Dublin District Court on the drugs charges with the three others.
Ms Cannon told County Registrar Rita Considine that Mr Fahy, of Beech Park, Lucan, Co Dublin, owned the garage at Unit 13C Parkmore Industrial Estate, Long Mile Road, Dublin 12 which had been rented to Shields over a 33-months lease.
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She said Mr Shields now owed rent amounting to €19,000 and rates in the sum of €12,396.
Ms Cannon, who appeared with Greene Solicitors, told the court that Mr Fahy’s wife, Mary Fahy, was joint owner of the garage and she had consented to being joined as co-plaintiff if necessary. Mr Fahy had issued an ejectment civil bill against Mr Shields, trading as Shields Automotive and Recovery.
Barrister Neil Rafter, counsel for Mr Shields, told County Registrar Considine that the application for repossession was being opposed.
Shields was granted seven days in which to file a defence which the court directed was to be sworn and verified on affidavit. The application was adjourned until early March.
The District Court was told during a bail application that last week the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau searched Shields Automotive Garage and also stopped a van and a car at two other locations.
Three men and a women had been charged with possessing cocaine with intent to sell or supply in connection with the drugs seizure.