Man remanded on bail over knife attack on bar staff

The Cork man (43) was charged with two counts of assault causing harm in Briar Rose pub

Sgt John Kelleher told the court that gardaí had no objection to Mr White being released on bail once certain conditions were met. File photograph: iStock

A 43-year-old man has been released on bail after he was charged by gardaí in connection with a knife attack on two members of staff in a bar in a Cork City suburb over the weekend.

David White with an address at Glencurrig, South Douglas Road, Cork was charged with two counts of assault causing harm to two members of staff at The Briar Rose, Douglas Road on November 12th.

Det Garda Declan O’Dwyer of Douglas Garda station gave evidence of the arrest, charge and caution. He said Mr White made no reply to either charge when they were put to him after caution.

Sgt John Kelleher told the court that gardaí had no objection to Mr White being released on bail once certain conditions were met and he asked Det Garda O’Dwyer to outline the bail conditions.


Det Garda O’Dwyer said that gardaí were seeking that Mr White would reside at his home address at Glencurrig Park, South Douglas Road and would stay off all intoxicants as part of his bail conditions.

He also said gardaí were seeking that Mr White would sign on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Togher Garda station and provide gardaí with a mobile phone number to contact him 24/7.

Det Garda O’Dwyer said gardaí were also seeking an undertaking from Mr White that he would stay away from the Briar Rose and have no contact, directly or indirectly, with the two injured parties.

Mr White’s solicitor, Frank Buttimer, said that he had discussed the bail terms being sought by gardaí with Mr White and he was happy to give an undertaking that he would abide by all of them.

Sgt Kelleher applied for an adjournment for the DPP’s directions and Judge Olann Kelleher remanded Mr White on bail with the six conditions sought by gardaí to appear on January 16th next.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times