Garda file on Tina Satchwell murder to be with DPP by end of week

Judge approves application from accused Richard Satchwell to have keys of Youghal property where body found returned to him

Richard Satchwell (57) was charged on October 14th last with murdering his wife Tina (45) on March 20th, 2017. Photograph: Michael Mac Sweeney/Provision

The Garda file on the murder of Co Cork woman Tina Satchwell will be with the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) by the end of the week, a court has heard.

Richard Satchwell (57) was charged on October 14th last with murdering the 45-year-old on March 20th, 2017 at the home they shared on Grattan Street in Youghal.

Mr Satchwell made his fifth court appearance on the charge before Judge Brian O’Shea at Clonmel District Court on Tuesday by video link from Limerick Prison.

Supt Adrian Gamble, of Midleton Garda Station, told Judge O’Shea that investigators had on Monday handed over the file on Ms Satchwell’s murder to State Solicitor for South Cork, Jerry Healy.


The extensive file is to be sent on to the DPP by the end of the week and gardaí hope to obtain directions thereafter, he added.

Judge O’Shea noted that Mr Satchwell had been in custody since October 14th, which amounted to some 11½ weeks.

“I know these investigations are complex, but you don’t have to have all the bells and whistles attached before the file can be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions,” said Judge O’Shea.

Supt Gamble acknowledged this but said the file included some reports outside the control of An Garda Síochána, which was why it had taken so long to finalise.

Judge O’Shea asked defence solicitor Eddie Burke if his client would consent to either a three or four week remand.

Mr Burke said he had consulted with Mr Satchwell who was only consenting to two weeks. Judge O’Shea remanded him in custody to appear again on January 16th.

Earlier, Mr Burke made an application under the Police Property Act 1897 for the return of the keys to Mr Satchwell’s property at Grattan Street, Youghal where gardaí found Ms Satchwell’s remains.

Det Sgt Gerard O’Shaughnessy, of Midleton Garda station, told the court the house was no longer designated a crime scene and the keys would be returned to Mr Burke forthwith.

Ms Satchwell was reported missing by Mr Satchwell on March 24th, 2017. Despite an extensive search by gardaí no trace of her was found over the intervening 6½ years.

Gardaí found her remains buried at the house on October 11th last during a search of the property after the investigation was upgraded from a missing persons case to a murder inquiry.

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Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times