Senior executives working in England can temporarily leave quarantine

Exemption is for business reasons if activitues benefit UK economy

The exemption from travel quarantine rules applies to multinational executives who are visiting UK-based branches of their firm.
The exemption from travel quarantine rules applies to multinational executives who are visiting UK-based branches of their firm.

Senior executives working in England can temporarily leave quarantine for business reasons, if they’re conducting activities that are likely to be of significant benefit to the UK economy, the government announced on Tuesday.

The exemption from travel quarantine rules applies to multinational executives who are visiting UK-based branches of their firm.

Senior executives of foreign companies may also be also exempt from the isolation requirement if they are looking to make an investment in a British business or set up a new company in the UK the government said.

The decision comes after JPMorgan Chase chief executive officer Jamie Dimon skipped visiting England on a recent trip to Europe due to quarantine restrictions, The Telegraph newspaper reported last week.


Under travel rules, business and leisure visitors to the UK from countries and territories that are rated medium or high risk for coronavirus must isolate at home or in a hotel for 10 days after arrival.

The business department said individuals will be considered to be bringing “significant economic benefit” if the work they are doing has “a greater than 50 per cent chance of creating or preserving at least 500 UK-based jobs” – either at a firm with at least 500 workers or at a new business within two years. – Bloomberg