Law firm Fieldfisher to create 125 jobs in Belfast

UK firm will recruit graduates for legal and risk-management roles

Fieldfisher managing partner Michael Chissick with Invest NI chief executive Alistair Hamilton at Thursday’s jobs announcement in Belfast.

Fieldfisher, a European law firm that employs 1,000 people, is to expand its operations into Northern Ireland and create 125 jobs.

The law firm intends to set up a new centre which will create legal and support jobs in Belfast.

Invest NI is supporting the investment project with £630,000 (€704,000) towards the creation of the new jobs.

Michael Chissick, managing partner of Fieldfisher, said the firm was attracted to the North was because of the "stable supply of experienced and skilled people".


“The strong partnership between academia and industry was another attraction to investing here and ensures we will be able to work with colleges and universities to develop a future pipeline of qualified graduates,” he said.

“We have been through an incredible period of success and have been the fastest-growing large UK law firm for the last two years. Northern Ireland is the next strategic stage in our continued growth and we are very excited to be able to provide a centre of excellence to support our offices around the world,” he added.

He said the firm intended to recruit from graduate to senior positions in legal and risk management, as well as middle-level technical and business support roles.

Invest NI chief executive Alastair Hamilton welcomed the latest boost for the North's legal sector, which he said now boasts several of the UK's top 50 firms.

“Over the next three years Fieldfisher will be building its team in Northern Ireland with 125 roles across a range of functions. With an average salary in the mid £20,000s this investment will generate over £3.6 million in annual salaries.” he said.

Francess McDonnell

Francess McDonnell

Francess McDonnell is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business