Government unveils €6.5m supports for taxi, hackney, limo drivers

Package to assist drivers in their recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan said: ‘There is no doubt that Covid-19 has had a detrimental effect on our taxi industry.’ File photograph

A €6.5 million support package for taxi, hackney and limousine operators has been unveiled by the Government.

It said the new sectoral package, developed following consultation with the advisory committee on the sector, will directly assist drivers in their recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic by providing a number of supports.

These include €3 million for the continued waiver of vehicle licence fees in 2022; €2 million for a once-off motor tax refund scheme specifically for taxi and hackney operators; and €1.5 million for a NCT fee refund scheme.

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan said: “There is no doubt that Covid-19 has had a detrimental effect on our taxi industry.


“While our society now begins to recover from the impacts of this pandemic, I am keen to remove as many cost barriers as possible for our small public service vehicle drivers to return to work.

“The €6.5 million financial package I have announced today will give operators the consistent support they require over the rest of this year and into the year 2022.”

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter