Boeing case against Bombardier ‘unjustified’, Northern secretary says

UK support for Belfast operation complies with international rules, Brokenshire says

The situation at Bombardier was an example of the different parties at Stormont working together, Northern Ireland secretary James Brokenshire said. Photograph: Paul Faith/AFP/Getty Images

Northern Ireland secretary James Brokenshire has said the British government would continue to protect the thousands of workers at risk at Bombardier's operation in Belfast, as he called Boeing's case "unjustified and unwarranted".

Speaking at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, Mr Brokenshire said the situation at Bombardier was an example of the different parties at Stormont working together.

“I am deeply disappointed by the initial determination of Boeing’s challenge to the sale of C-series aircraft,” he added.

“The support that the UK provided to the Bombardier operation in Belfast was and remains compliant with international requirements.”


Elsewhere in his speech, Mr Brokenshire said Brexit would maintain the Common Travel Area in Ireland and see no physical infrastructure on the Border.

“With sufficient flexibility and imagination on all sides, as the EU itself has called for, we can succeed,” said Mr Brokenshire.

Mr Brokenshire also said he was committed to devolving corporation tax, while he would also look at establishing a public sector hub in Northern Ireland as services move out of London. – (PA)