Aer Lingus passenger numbers rise

Overall passenger traffic at Aer Lingus rose in October as the airline's long haul business and regional flights grew over the…

Overall passenger traffic at Aer Lingus rose in October as the airline's long haul business and regional flights grew over the year.

A total of 962,000 passengers flew with Aer Lingus and Aer Lingus Regional last month, a 0.9 per cent rise on October 2011.

The carrier said the number of long haul passengers increased by 10.3 per cent to 86,000 last month. The number of short haul passengers increased by 0.1 per cent to 876,000.

Load factor was 79.2 per cent, 1.5 points higher than last year.


On the long haul side of the business, load factor rose 8.3 points to 83 per cent. Short haul flown load factor was 77.4 per cent, a decrease of 1.7 points on October 2011.

Over the year to date, Aer Lingus has carried more than nine million passengers.