Web Log: Get the most from Reddit’s AMAs

It can be difficult to find or keep up with AMAs on the Reddit site but the (relatively) new AMA app is a godsend

Reddit's AMA (Ask Me Anything) is a great example of how the internet can enrich our lives. It's a platform where anyone can pose any question they like to public figures including US president Barack Obama or astronaut Buzz Aldrin, or regular Joes like the vacuum repair technician whose AMA is one of the most popular of all time (he certainly doesn't suck at answering questions).

It often leads to insightful interviews not likely to be found in mainstream media and shines a light on people with unusual jobs or lives, for example the puppeteer behind Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch.

It can be difficult to find or keep up with AMAs on the Reddit site but the (relatively) new AMA app is a godsend.

Filter by most recent, trending or most popular of all time; get notifications for upcoming AMAs; explore by topic; and, of course, ask questions and upvote content.

