Remember the days of CRT TVs? The bulky sets used to lurk in the corner of every living room, taking up far more space than they needed to. But along came LCD and LED TVs, and suddenly you could reclaim a good portion of your living room. But if LG’s latest TV is anything to go by, your current set is about to look outdated. The Signature OLED TV W is so thin its design is known as “Wallpaper”. The screen simply attaches directly to your wall. It’s got a great picture too, using all the latest technology – HDR, 4K – that LG has at its disposal. But all that comes with a nice price tag too, with the 65-inch version weighing in at almost $7,995 (€7,492) . Dig deep.
Want an LG TV so thin it is known as ‘Wallpaper’?
Tech Tools: LG’s new extra slim model the Signature OLED TV will set you back nealy €7,500