Vodafone rollout set to aid connections to internet

Network will connect household and utility devices in move towards Internet of Things

Ireland is among the first markets where Vodafone is introducing the new network. Photograph: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

Vodafone is to roll out a new network in Ireland that will connect household and utility devices to the internet. The network is integral to the move towards the so-called Internet of Things (IoT), where devices such as smoke alarms, gas metres and even car park sensors are connected online.

Vodafone Ireland’s Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) network will go live at the end of the first quarter of next year. Ireland is among the first markets where Vodafone is introducing the new network.

Narrowband-IoT is the newly agreed standard for an industrial grade Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) network layer that will allow millions of everyday objects to be connected to the internet.

Vodafone says the new network offers long battery life, lower cost, extended coverage into buildings and operates in licenced spectrum meaning improved reliability and security for users.


“NB-IoT will enable cities to become smarter and more efficient – benefiting the citizens that live in them, the firm said. “Waste infrastructure will have the potential to ‘phone home’ when full, reducing cost and improving city cleanliness. Parking bays can be fitted with sensors, providing drivers with information about where the quickest parking is available and reducing traffic congestion.”

For Vodafone, the NB-IoT rollout will involve a software upgrade to existing 4G base stations and will have the ability to run alongside existing 2G, 3G and 4G networks. The initial rollouts will be followed by other markets during the rest of the year with full coverage across Vodafone’s global network by 2020.