You may consider February winter or spring, depending on which calendar you follow, but regardless of the season, it's still a bit chilly out there. But that new year, new you fitness plan you swore you'd stick to isn't going to wait for Ireland's climate to heat up a bit so you can run without your ears going numb, therefore you'll need to improvise. Like, for example, with this beanie hat from Saorbuga. The Irish company is offering a range of headgear that has bluetooth speakers built in. You may ask why, but it just makes a strange sort of sense. They're not the only ones who have hit on this idea, but this beanie hat is certainly one of the more suitable items for Irish weather: keeps your head and ears warm, won't sweat the bejaysus out of you, and you can still hear your music without the need for any extra earbuds. It lasts for up to six hours on one charge.
Tech Tools: Saorbuga’s Bluetooth Beanie designed for sports
Ditch the headphones for something a little more streamlined