Salesforce to create 100 jobs in Dublin

Enterprise cloud computing company Salesforce

Enterprise cloud computing company is to create more than 100 jobs in Dublin as it continues to grow its business here.

The company said the roles will be mainly in sales, marketing, IT and customer support functions.

The expansion was announced by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton.

"The Government is targeting high-growth companies and high-growth sectors as part of our action plan for jobs. Today's very welcome announcement that, a dynamic company operating at the cutting edge of social, mobile and cloud computing, is creating 100 additional jobs in Dublin shows what is possible in these sectors,” he said, adding he would ensure that the country continues to take advantage of its ICT strengths to continue to attract investment.

READ SOME MORE’s EMEA chairman Dr Steve Garnett said the company was driving “a massive transformation” in the technology industry, and Ireland had played a key role in its success.

The company is holding a recruitment event on July 5th in Dublin’s Morrison Hotel.

The jobs announcement was welcomed by business group ICT Ireland.

"The announcement by reaffirms the tremendous strength of the technology sector in Ireland. Since January this year, 4,250 new jobs have been announced by technology companies,” said ICT Ireland director Paul Sweetman. “Today's announcement continues the impressive trend of major investment in the past number of months in the sector.”

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist