This, one of the first games for the Xbox One, follows the story Marius Titus, a Roman general hell-bent on revenge after his family is murdered. The game has changed dramatically from what it was intended (Kinect-only) but, given the amount of combat, it’s probably a wise move. Combat is basic hack-and-slash, with some defensive moves thrown in. The trick is in getting the timing right, breaking your opponent’s guard and delivering a killer blow. This allows you to build up valour points, which can be used to upgrade your executions and other skills. In true Roman style, you also have a team of soldiers to command . The environments are amazing, giving a glimpse of what the next-generation Xbox is capable of. Sunlight hitting stones, beautiful backdrops as you race through Rome’s streets, the bleakness of the coastline as ships move to attack – it all creates a great atmosphere. The parade of barbarians, however, become a little tiresome as you fight wave after wave and they all start to look tediously familiar. More variety wouldn’t have gone amiss. Still, it’s an impressive start for the Xbox One.
Ryse: Son of Rome