Robotic suitcase aims to make travelling less stressful

Tech Tools: Ovis suitcase stays by your side in airports thanks to its facial recognition

The Ovis suitcase is carry-on size, and rather than you keeping an eye on it, it will follow you

Airports are not fun. They’re big, they’re crowded, everything seems set up to annoy travellers... In short, travelling is stressful. So anything that makes it more fun and less taxing has to be a good thing. Does having a robotic suitcase fall into that category? Maybe.

The Ovis suitcase is carry-on size, and rather than you keeping an eye on it, it will follow you. It has computer vision, sensors and facial recognition that means while you are striding through the airport, the case will stay by your side.

The battery is removable – important if you want to fly on some airlines, or put it in the hold – and gives you a range of about 19km on a single charge. Plus it has a GPS tag so you can track it if your case goes missing.
