How to ... fix your ‘unlock with Apple Watch’ woes

Apple has promised a solution in an upcoming software update

The unlock with Apple Watch feature is having issues with some of the new iPhone 13 devices.

Facial recognition and masks don’t mix, especially when it comes to the security features on your phone. Covering half your facial features means unlocking your phone by simply looking at it is no longer possible.

It should also be somewhat reassuring to smartphone users, as it reduces the likelihood of someone else being able to access your phone without your knowledge. But that doesn’t make it any less annoying.

Apple came up with a solution a few months ago, but only for those who are Apple Watch users.

It’s designed to be used when you’re wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose, or sunglasses or ski goggles that cover your eyes; your phone detects your Apple Watch and unlocks for you.



But there is a problem: the unlock with Apple Watch feature is having issues with some of the new iPhone 13 devices.

Some people have been unable to set up the unlock feature with the iPhone 13, while others have been getting the “Unable to communicate with Apple Watch” error message when trying to unlock the phone while wearing a facemask.

Apple says it will fix the issue in an upcoming sopftware update. But what are we to do in the meantime? Return to our trusty passcodes.

Apple recommends turning off the Apple Watch unlock feature until a fix is pushed out. To turn it off, go to Settings >Face ID & Passcode. Scroll down to Unlock with Apple Watch and turn the slider to off.

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist