Healthcare comparison site to add 26 jobs

Company to double sales and customer care teams as it plans international expansion

Healthcare comparison site is planning to add 26 new jobs in the next 12 months as it expands its business globally.

The company, which is headquartered in Ireland and employs 60 people in Dublin, said it was looking to double its sales and customer care teams as the number of people visiting its website reached 1.5 million. The company is also seeking people to join its engineering team, with some marketing roles also being added.

Customers can use the site to compare and review more than 120,000 private healthcare clinics across 135 countries worldwide. The site also offers online booking and price checks.

The firm is targeting growth in the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, and will move to grow its presence in global markets next year.


The website was the idea of entrepreneur Caelen King, who set it up in 2006.

"The consistent growth of visitor numbers to Whatclinic. com shows that there is a growing need for independent, trustworthy information around private healthcare," Mr King said.

The site has counted more than 60 million visitors since its launch, with the most common inquiries for GPs and dentistry, hair loss treatments, medical aesthetic procedures and plastic surgery. It has more than 1,800 customer clinics in 64 countries.

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist