A smartphone magnifier for a tech lover’s stocking

Tech Tools: We may have reached peak smartphone tat with this item, though it is oddly alluring

Smartphone magnifier: we find ourselves strangely drawn to it

Christmas is a time for family, celebration and buying tech tat masquerading as stocking fillers that you wouldn’t touch the rest of the year round.

Take this smartphone accessory, for example. Modelled on an old-school TV set, it’s essentially some cardboard printed to look like an old-school TV set, and a video cassette shaped holder for your smartphone.

Pop your smartphone in the “tape”, load it up and you can watch your videos and other content on a magnified screen.

A screen that’s a whole eight inches in size. And yet, we find ourselves strangely drawn to it. Have we reached peak smartphone tat? Do we even care? We’ll probably buy it anyway.


Available on firebox.com for €24.