IT security seminar to examine pending changes to EU data protection

Zinopy wants to get companies thinking about the need to protect sensitive data

Could your business afford a €2 million fine because of a data breach? That’s an issue that will be addressed at a data security and mobility seminar this Wednesday at the Aviva Stadium.

IT solutions and services provider Zinopy, which is hosting the seminar, wants to get companies thinking about the need to protect sensitive data in light of pending EU regulation changes around data protection.

In January 2012, the European Commission outlined proposals for a radical overhaul of data protection rules across the EU. The proposed law aims to increase compliance obligations of companies, with the possibility of the imposition of fines of up to 2 per cent of global turnover of the offender.

Zinopy chief executive John Ryan says IT risk and information security have been increasingly recognised as business issues rather than just technical ones.


The seminar will examine the challenges facing organisations in preventing data leakage be it malicious or inadvertent, how the changes to the EU data protection laws will affect Irish businesses and the steps they need to take to ensure they are compliant.

Momentum seminar
A building business momentum seminar will take place on Friday as part of Bank of Ireland's National Enterprise Week.

The seminar, which is taking place at the Burlington Hotel, will give attendees the chance to meet and network with Bank of Ireland group chief executive Richie Boucher, NTMA chief economist Rossa White, Sherry FitzGerald chief executive Mark FitzGerald and Pat McCann, chief executive of Dalata Hotel Group.