Struggling businesses further hurt by return of snow

Weather impacts on retail and hospitality sector who lost trading days in last snowfall

Festival Big Day Out on Merrion Square, Dublin, was cancelled due to the snow, but staff at Birds Euroshow Funfair, above, clean the snow in the hope they could open later in the day. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

The latest spell of bad weather will further hurt retailers and those working in the hospitality sector who were hoping to make up for losses recorded following the heavy snowfalls of a few weeks ago, according to ISME.

The lobby group said a range of leisure-related activities had also been impacted by the so-called “son of the beast”, including cinemas, music venues and gyms, all of whom have lost out on income as people stayed at home.

“Businesses that were already struggling to deal with the lost trading days from the last snowfall have had a key weekend they were banking on to make up for losses, fall significantly short of expectations for this time of year,” said Ross McCarthy, ISME national council member.

“The removal of the Good Friday alcohol prohibition may allow some in the hospitality trade a good day’s trading, especially with the novelty factor, but it will be of little benefit to other businesses,” he added.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist