PTSB chief Jeremy Masding to appear before Oireachtas committee

Focus will be on racker mortgage scandal, loans that have fallen arrears and any plans to sell debt to vulture funds

Jeremy Masding, chief executive officer, PTSB.
Jeremy Masding, chief executive officer, PTSB.

Permanent TSB chief executive, Jeremy Masding, faces questions from TDs and senators on Thursday about the tracker mortgage scandal, loans that have fallen arrears and any plans it may have to sell debt to vulture funds.

The Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, confirmed on Wednesday that Mr Masding would appear before it in Leinster House on Thursday morning.

Chairman John McGuinness TD pledged that members would engage with Mr Masding on a range of banking issues. “Our meeting is a continuation of the committee’s previous engagement with Permanent TSB,” he said.

“Among the issues we will be keen to address are non-performing loans and arrears and any plans by the bank to sell parts of its loanbook and the impact this may have on mortgage holders.”


The Fianna Fáil deputy added that the committee would also focus on the redress that Permanent TSB is offering borrowers hit by the tracker mortgage scandal, customer service plans and the bank's future strategy. Oireachtas TV will broadcast the hearing on-line.